Tarble x Reader!

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(A/N) ●●●TO BE EDITED●●●

Dagger: Tarble?
Tarble: yes? What is it? *walks in*
Dagger: you have been requested in a one-shot!
Tarble: ok......... but what is a one-shot?
Dagger: you'll see...

You were the one who was going to show (or give a tour) Tarble around Earth. Even though you had just met him, you developed a crush on him.

"May I ask what that is?" Tarble asked, you both were flying and he stopped to point down at a carnival.

"A carnival." You answer and see his the curious excitement in his eyes.

"Can we go in it?" He asked eagerly, looking at you. "It looks rather fun."

"Of course." You beam at him and you both flew down to the carnival. (You guys didn't pay to get in! Jk XD but I will have you have a bunch of $ in here!)

"That's a large wheel." Tarble said, looking up at the Ferris Wheel.

"It's called a Ferris Wheel." You smile, watching his curious excitement. "Do you wanna go and check-"

"I would love to!" He grabbed your wrist and walked to the Ferris Wheel. People looked at the tail around Tarble's hips, but payed no attention to it after a first look.

"Good day, don't you agree, my young lovers?" The dude said that lets ppl in to the Ferris Wheel. Tarble and you blushed.

"You have been mistaken, sir." Tarble said, clearly embarassed. "We're not-"

"It's true." You add, blushing.

"That's what everybody says." The dude said. "But go along and ride the Ferris Wheel."

You and Tarble got in the Ferris Wheel.

"This is fascinating." Tarble said in amazement as the Ferris Wheel started moving.

'Not as much as you.' You thought and looked down at the Carnival as the Ferris Wheel was moving up.

~Timeskip cuz I'm a lazy a$$ today~

Tarble was hitting every bottle, winning prizes (I dont know the name of one of those Carnival games), until the worker told him to stop, because Tarble was getting too much prizes. Plus, he was eating cotton candy, but the workers were pleased that they were getting your money.

"That was cool." You say, helping Tarble hold all of his prized teddies and stuffed animals.

"You can have half of these." He offered but saw a little girl who lost a game, the little girl sighed sadly and began to walk away with her mother. He auickly walked to the girl. "Hello, you can have one of these."

The mother smiled and the little girl eagerly took the stuffed animal Tarble gave her.

"Thank you, mister!" The girl exclaimed before walking away with her mother.

Tarble looked to you. "Do you want to go?"

"Sure." You smile and you both took into the night air.

"Today was fun." Tarble said, looking at you. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." You smile at him and he smiled back.

"I was wondering if you wanted to be... " He trailed off thinking. "What is it that you- oh, now I know!"

"What is it?" You ask, curiously.

"I was wondering if you wanted to be my... uh... is it "girlfriend"?" He asked.

"Yes, of course, Tarble." You reply, smiling at him. Then you both flew to the Capsule Corp with teddies and stuffed animals.

Tarble: that was a one-shot? It was... beautiful...
Dagger: AND you were sweet to that little girl!
Tarble: yes I was! :)
Dagger: now... who is next?

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