Goku x (DEPRESSED SAIYAN) reader

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(A/N) ●●●TO BE EDITED●●●

Dagger: Goku?
Goku: *walks in eating* yeah?
Dagger: you're in a one-shot
Goku: can I still eat?
Dagger: yes! Now... watch...

Maybe it was that Goku could be better than you at fighting. You wanted it to be that way, but you knew the real the real reason.

You watched Chi Chi and Goku hug each other and you felt a pain to the heart. If you could just blow off Chi Chi's pretty face with your ki...
No, Goku would probably get mad or sad.
You all were at the party Bulma had, (after Kid Buu) and you sat in the corner of the room where Goku was eating. You forced smiles, even though you felt all torn inside, knowing Goku won't feel the same.

"It's going to be Okay." Bulma said, sitting by you, seeing past your fake smiles and what she knew about Goku and you.

'Bullsh**.' You thought, but instead you smiled and nodded.

~timeskip a month~

You were in a clearing, sitting down, trying to clear your mind, trying to force away what you were feeling but nothing helped. You breathed in deeply as you closed your eyes.

"Hey, (Y/N)."

You opened your eyes to see Goku landing in front of you.

"Chi Chi doesn't want me in the house anymore..." Goku said. If he was sad then he didn't show it. "I was forced into that marriage anyways..." He sounded relieved?
You should've felt better, knowing it was your chance but you felt nothing.

Goku sat next to you. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." You force a smile and lay back. "Just tired..."

That didn't convince Goku. He stared down at you. "Wanna talk about it?"

"Goku, nothing is wrong..." You try to assure him with another smile. He stared at you harder until you sighed. "Okay, I feel like my life has no meaning-"

You were going to add more like say, "No meaning without you", but you didn't add it in.

"Well... if you did anything to yourself then that would shatter our hearts. Mine too." Goku said, turning concerning and serious. "Do you want to shatter my heart?"
You shook your head, covering your eyes.

"(Y/N), you are important to this world and you gotta realize that." Goku said, laying back by you.

You were going to say something but Goku's lips were on yours, pressing softly.

"You are important to me." He added, smiling. You smiled back and this time, it wasn't fake.

Dagger: so... sweet... *sniff*
Goku: *stops eating* ........ wow...
Dagger: yea... now who is next?

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