Raditz x Human!Female! Reader (LEMON)

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For all you Raditz lovers out there!

The first day you were forced to spend with him, he didn't let you run off from him.

You were in a deep sleep and it was the impact of landing that made you jump awake.
Your thighs were pressed into the seat of his pod and there was a tight space between his large frame and your smaller one.
Gazing up at him, I looked at him from a different angle. Giving off a nice view of his strong jaw.
From an angle, he seemed bigger and intimidating. Though you didn't feel anything related to nervousness.

"Are you going to continue this staring or get off me?" He asked, tilting his head downwards at you.

Without a word, you crawled backwards to get out of the cramped pod. Your hand  accidentally slid down his abdomen and you jerked your hand back.

"Watch out." He growled but behind his harsh words. There was a slight stir in his voice.

Once on even ground, you stood up to get your bearings. To look at the planet that Raditz kidnapped you to. You were in a crator made by the pod. But up around that, there was yellow trees. And the sky a beautiful shade of blue.
But the gravity was a bit more strong.

And yes, he didn't let you run off from him. And the same went for six days following...

Looking at him before, you thought he was just another selfish scum.
Well, he is, but he is still kinda caring. You half glared at the saiyan man from across the campfire. The man with the porcipine (not sure if I spelled that right) hair down to his calves.
Your hands were tied behind you around a tree, your back pressed against the yellow bark of the tree. The fire crackling, the smoke swirling up into the cool, dark night. Yeah, he kidnapped you and took you to another planet.

Raditz met your gaze and... smiled. A smile so ruthless. Though the smile did reach his eyes, it wasn't about amusement. "Got something on your mind there, earthling female?"

You looked away to the side, glaring at the ground. Not responding to him.


One week earlier...

On Earth...

The first time you saw him, he was on Master Roshi's little island. Goku was on the ground and Gohan was the in hands of Raditz.

"Let him go!" You had demanded, hands clenched.
Raditz smirked your way, his dark eyes quickly skimming your form up and down. Not lingering anywhere, just like he was examing you. Then looked at Gohan.

"On second thought..." He threw little Gohan in the saltwater. And suddenly, he was in front of you. His tall form towering over you. Casting a dark shadow over you, despite the sunny day. "Instead of taking my nephew, I'll just take you."

He threw you over his shoulder and took off into the sky. Flying away from the little island.
Your stomach resting on his shoulder, you beat your fists against his armored back. Seeing Gohan being pulled out of the water and the rest yelling for you.
'At least it isn't Gohan...' You thought, being kidnapped by Goku's brother.

"Why do you have to kidnap?" You shouted, both scared for your life and kinda mad that he even bothered this peaceful planet.

"Taking my nephew would've provoked Kakarot to come after and fight me." Raditz spoke up, glancing at your bottom that was literally sticking out, since you were on his shoulder. "But seeing how close you and my brother seemed to be, I know he would still be coming after me, regardless if I took his son or not."

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