Cooler x Reader (LEMON)

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(A/N) ●●●TO BE EDITED ●●●

Me: ..........
Cooler: is there a problem?
Me: yes... you don't seem to have a baby producing stick... HOW THE H-
Cooler: just pretend
Me: oh so you do want some of-
Cooler: yes ......

"(Y/N), report to my quarters." Ordered Cooler from your scouter.

"Yes, sir." You responded, walking out of the healing chambers from your unsuccesful mission.

"NOW." Cooler roared from your scouter, causing you to jump.

"On my way, sir." You replied and hurried towards Cooler's quarters
The last time he called you to his room, he had you strip and he whipped you with his tail. Not too hard but not too soft, either. The reason? You were ambushed on the mission. So that meant you had failed.
You were nervous at what Cooler might do to you this time.

When you reached his door, you let out a breath and prepared to knock.

"Come in." Cooler said from inside the room before you could knock.
You opened the door, went in and closed the door.
You looked up to see Cooler, standing in front of his mirror.
His cold eyes locked onto yours through the mirror.

"You have failed another mission." He said as he turned and walked towards you.

"I am sorry." You lowered head down.

"You will have to pay for that." He said and turned around. "Strip."

You quickly did as he said amd peeled off your armor. Once you were naked, he turned to run his eyes over your form.
He licked his lips and walked over to you and got onto his knees.
This is not what you expected.

"Sir, what are you-?"

"Quiet!" He growled, looking up at you. "The only noise I want to hear from you is pleasurable noises. Now stay still."

You nodded before he grabbed your leg and put it over his shoulder while you stood up.


"Quiet." He cut you off.
Nodding, you bit your lip.
You gasped as he unexpectantly shoved his tounge into your hole.
His tounge moved expertly inside you as you gripped his head for support.

"Cooler..." You moaned breathlessly, trying not to fall back because of too much pleasure that made you weak.

You had no idea how you got there, but you were on your hands and knees on Cooler's bed.

"There is no stopping me once I start." He whispered huskily in your ear.

"Do it."

At your request, he shoved into you from behind. A scream of pain came from your lips but Cooler was ramming into at fullspeed, his hard muscled chest to your back.
You felt his tail snake its way in between your thighs and rub your clit, trying to get you to enjoy it.

It wasn't until he hit your spot inside you that you began to enjoy it.
Cooler's thrusts became inhuman but that made your moaning louder.

"Cooler!" You cry out as you came. Cooler slowed to a stop as he gripped your hips.

"Was that good?" He asked, panting slightly.

"It was amazing." You said between pants.

"Good, cause I haven't came yet."

Cooler: *crosses arms smirking*
Me: why so smug?
Cooler: nothing *winks at (Y/N) in the corner of the room*
Salza: .... I seent the lemon
Me: same! Everybody needs their eye candy when staring at something steamy

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