Android 18 x Fem!Reader (SMUT)

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the person didnt want me to tag her and i can totally respect that. Lol not that I ever do tag in here

Uh, is it even called a lemon when... idk. Two females...??? Ion know

Please tell me if it's the same name or not cuz i never done anything like this.

Idk. But this was requested for all you awesome ppl out there who are bi, trans, lesbian and all that other shit. So read this bish!

And um, this is my first girl on girl thing so... im kinda nervous I'll get the wrong or sumn...


Krillin and Android 18 had payed you 5 dollars every hour you spent to babysit their daughter, Marron.
The first time she met you was on Kami's lookout after the Cell Games. Standing next Bulma, your close friend. But after that, you pretty much "disappeared", (how Bulma put it), after that. Returning to everyone during the time when Majin Buu came along.
Anyway, Krillin and 18 had always called you to babysit their daughter. You didn't mind, you spent so much time babysitting Marron that she had begged her parents to invite you over for dinner. You didn't even know Marron did that, but went along anyway.
When you pulled up to their house, you heard arguing.

-yes you are!" 18's voice from inside the two story house.

"No, I'm not!" Krillin's voice. "Why would I cheat on you?!"

"You're about to be a single man if you keep this up!" 18 yelled, a waver in her voice. Was she about to cry? Or was she on the edge of a rage explosion?

"Why would I do that to you?" Krillin yelled back.

Now, you weren't much of an eavesdropper, but you couldn't help but over hear them. You couldn't go knock on the door while they argued, 'cause if you did, they would know they would know that you heard them.
But soon, you heard little Marron crying, which caused them both to stop arguing.
There, you took the opportunity to get out of your car and walk up their doorsteps.
You rang the bell and 18 had answered.
She looked like she hadn't just argued, she looked calm. She looked as bored and unintrested in everything as ever as she did the other times you saw her.
She had that shoulder-length blond hair, piercing blue eyes and nice features.
'Why would Krillin do that to her? IF he is, then why? Why would he cheat? Krillin seems loyal as ever.' You thought to yourself. 18 was so pretty to you, that you could almost have a crush on her.
You almost shook your head at yourself.

"Hello, 18." You greeted with a small smile.
18's blue eyes scanned you from head to toe, a strange, almost-there glint in her eye. She had been looking at you like this for awhile now.

"Hello, (Y/N)." She responded back and widened the door enough for you. "Krillin, it's (Y/N), she made it!"

"Tell her to come on in!" Krillin responded back.
18 gestured for you to walk in. You walked in as she closed the door behind you.
You almost shivered when she placed a slightly, cool hand between your shoulder blades, leading you from behind.
You both passed a room, leading to the living room, past a staircase that was directly across the hallway from the living room and into a kitchen with nice, shiny oak kitchen cabinets.
At the table sat Krillin, Marron in a booster chair with food set on the table.

"Please, sit." Krillin said, gesturing to an open chair. 18's hand fell from in between your shoulder blades as she took a seat next to Krillin, her arm and hand lightly brushing against yours in the process.
Goosebumps rose across your skin and you rolled down your sleeve a little, as if that'll help.

"Thank you." You said with a smile and took a seat next to Marron.

"Hi, (Y/N)!" Marron exclaimed, her little blonde hair in pigtails. "Guess what? Mommy said I could get a puppy for my birthday!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2017 ⏰

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