Bardock x Reader (LEMON)

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Me: Bardock, you're-
Bardock: in a lemon?
Me: yes and they said to make it sexy... so I'll make the lemon extra long... that came out wrong
Bardock: "extra long"? Girl you have a dirty mind
Me: no, I don't have a dirty mind, I have a sexy imagination! And I bet the readers do also! AND THERE IS SWEARING IN HERE

The first time you saw him, you were a 17 year old saiyan on Planet Vegeta. Wanting to be on his team to fight along side the lowclass saiyan. Of all the teams (idk what else to call it() you wanted to be on that one.

"You don't ask to be on this team. You get asked. Beat it, kid." Was all Bardock said before turning his back to you and walked away.
Of course, what he said only made you even more determined. So with a clenched fist and jaw, you watched the back of his head, tempted to throw a ki blast at him for rejectng you.


Now almost 5 years later, you decided to try again. You spotted him walking out of the healing chamber.
His onyx eyes met yours. Then a small smirk appeared on his lips.
"Aren't you that kid from about 5 years ago?" He asked.

"Yeah." You responded confidently. "I'm going to go with you on your next mission."

"Look, kid. My team is lowclass. Lowclass group or not, you get asked to join."

"Well, I didn't ask." You crossed your arms.

He chuckled. "I like you. Fiesty. Alright. You're in. Tomorrow, space pod station 0500, don't be late or we'll leave without a glance back."

-another timeskip cuz im a lazy ass-

"Fresh meat on the team!" Yelled a chubby guy with short hair (forgot his name so bear with me)

"Yea, just keep your distance, she's fragile." Bardock flashed you a smirk.
You rolled your eyes.

-another timeskip-

You all cleared out the planet and reported back to Frieza.

"Ugh, seriously, I think Frieza sounds like a woman at times." You muttured.

"Ha, you and I both, kid." Bardock said, walking besides you. "C'mon, I'l show you some moves."

You stopped. "Are you saying I can't fight?"

"No, I'm saying you could use some new moves."

You followed Bardock to a remote area in a clearing.
After an hour, Bardock had you do what he told you if you were weak, injured and outnumbered.

"Easy, fight to the end or try and get away." You said as if it were obvious.
He just sighed through his nose.

-10 minutes later-

"No, you've got to breath with every punch and kick. It gives you more power."

You got frusterated. "I am breathing."

"I thought you knew how to fight."

"I do."

"Like this." He went behind you, grabbing your fists. His broad chest pressed against your back.

"Let out a breath every time."
He made your hand punch forward and he let out a breath as he did so.

Bardock repeated the action for a minute before he stopped.

Without warning, he suddenly pulled you closer to him. You didn't gasp or question why he did it. You just stayed silent.
You felt his chest muscles from under his armor. His grip on your fists loosened, traveling up your arms but they stopped at your shoulders.

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