Piccolo x Reader

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(A/N) ●●●TO BE EDITED●●●

Piccolo: *walks in* do not.call me that agai-
Dagger: ok! But you're in a one-shot!
Piccolo: why?
Dagger: BECAUSE!

Go after her. Nail muttered to Piccolo.
Quiet. Piccolo demamded, hearing a chuckle in response.
He was training (Y/N), but now she was playing in a stream.
He watched her splash and laugh but he looked awat and crossed his arms.

"Piccolo!" (Y/N) yelled to him.


"Splash with me." She giggled.


"I want a play partner." She smiled and shrugged.

Get iiittt. Nail said to Piccolo.
Shut up. Piccolo growled.

"Well...?" She drawled.
When Piccolo just stood there, she sighed and quickly went by his side to attempt to pull him into the water.

"Stop." He ordered.

"No." She replied and started to pull harder on him.
Finally with a hard tug on him, which suprised Piccolo with her unexpected strength, they both went to the stream.
With (Y/N) somehow on top. In the stream, both soaked.

Before he could do anything, her lips were on his.

What is this? He questioned more to himself.
Move your lips against hers! Nail instructed.

Piccolo did as he was told.

Moments passed and they broke apart.

"You're purple." She giggled.

"You're red." He smirked.

And your both wet. Nail added.

Me: awww
Piccolo: *blushing*
Me: who is next?

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