Interviews~Districts 1-4(Andromeda Abwelda's POV)

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                            I smile as I skip onto the interviewing stage. The crowd cheers loudly. I grin as I plop down into a white cushioned chair, in my bright pink dress. I begin to speak moments later.

                           "Welcome! Welcome, to the interviews for the 175th Annual Hunger Games!" I smile and continue. "Tonight we will interview four districts at a time, for 1 hour each. We will have 15 minute breaks in between for snacks, bathroom breaks, and ooh! Spoiler alert! Voting periods!"

                          "So! For now let's quiet down and welcome the 8 tributes from Districts 1-4!" The crowd cheers so loud, I think my wig will fly off. I clap and motion for each of the District pairs to sit on their own sofas. They all smile at me.

                          "We will start with questions for our District 1 pair, Violet Alfaro and Clay Abbot!" They nod and wave at the citizens and cameras. I take out my tablet and look at some questions for the tributes.

                         "So, do you two plan to stay together in the arena? Perhaps have an alliance?" I ask. Violet speaks up.
                         "Well... We're not sure. I'm not very fond of him, so if we do end up having in alliance I won't stay long." She grins, evilly. I nod.
                         "How do you feel about this, Clay?" I smile, sweetly.
                         ¨Well, to tell you the truth, Andromeda... I'm a little sad. I thought we had a good thing going...¨ He feigns sadness. I nod, apologetically.

                         ¨Next! We have some questions for District 2's Venus Quinn and Troy Thorne!¨ The crowd cheers. I smile and motion for them to quiet down.
                         ¨Great!¨ They reply, happily. I grin, this was so easy.
                          ¨So...¨ I scroll through questions. ¨Do you plan on having a career alliance? Or any alliance at all?¨ This time Troy speaks up. He smiles at Venus.
                          ¨Well... I was planning on staying with her until the end. We'll last longer as a team, anyway.¨ He blushes, slightly. As does Venus.
                          ¨Awww! How do you feel about that, Venus?¨ She grins.
                          ¨I really couldn't be happier with that. Honestly.¨ She smiles, fakely. The capitol buys it and cheers. I nod and quiet them down enough to speak again.

                          ¨Next up we'll be asking District 3's very own Nova Waldron and Eris Winfrey!¨ The crowd cheers so loud, I have to plug my ears. They grin, happily. They were definitely front runners for the games AND sponsors. They quiet down after a few minutes of loud cheering and flower throwing. The careers were definitely upset now. ¨Thank you, thank you! Now for the questions?!¨
                           ¨Alrighty then, Andro!¨ Nova smiles at me, and then she looks panicked and says, ¨Can I call you that?¨ I laugh, smiling.
                           ¨Of course you can, my dear!¨ I nod. ¨Now... What will your situations be in the Games,¨
                            ¨Well, I plan on sticking with Nova until the last minute possible. She is my everything. I wouldn't be able to live without her.¨ He blushes. He had obviously never told her that, but he was obviously in love. The crowd aw's.  Nova holds in a gasp and looks at Eris.
                            ¨He's the brute. I'm the brains. Together we are truly unstoppable. I wouldn't last a day without him.¨ She blushes even more, and then she kisses his cheek. The crowd cheers, loudly. I grin. They were in love. Too bad they were probably gonna die. Oh well.
                             ¨How sweet!¨ I feign, adoring them. 

                                "Finally, we will interview the couple from District 4, Ariel Gorman and Arlo  Gatewood!¨ I smile ,and the crowd hoots and hollers. I smile as they calm down. Ariel and Arlo smile and wave.
                                ¨First off, what weapons do you two use and do you plan to stay together?¨ Arlo sighs along with Ariel. Ariel starts to talk.
                                 "Well... We plan on staying together until the end of the bloodbath, then separating so that we don't have to face each other in the end. Oh! I'm good with a trident, and Arlo is good with daggers.¨ She smiles at the crowd and someone throws a flower at her. She catches it and holds it triumphantly.
                                      ¨I'll stay with her if we find each other again. After we separate, of course.¨ He looked sad. I was about to ask why when the loud buzzer of a school goes off. I sigh, that's the best I could do.

                                      ¨That's all we have time for I'm afraid... That was great though! I can't wait to see these tributes in action! Let's give a big round of applause for these brave children!¨ The crowd cheers, slightly louder than they did for Eris and Nova. I cover my ears.
                                       ¨Take this time for bathrooms, food, and other shenanigans! I'll see you all with the tributes from Districts 5-9 in 15 minutes!¨ I smile and usher the tributes off of the stage showered in roses and cheers... 

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