-Chapter 8- What's Next?

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"So what do we do!" I ask Jackson as I turn and look at him with his left hand touching his head and his right one in the wheel.

He sighs "I don't Know." I turn my head straight and lean against the car window.

Then he clears up the silence "Look..we'll figure it out... I promise" he says as he switches his hands. he puts his left hand on the wheel and his right one on my hand on top of my thigh.

I look at the gas meter making sure we have enough gas " We're almost low... We have stop at a gas station..." I sigh in relief as I smile to Jackson.

"Just a few more miles until the next gas station and then we can grab all we need." He tells me as he looks straight ahead.

I then drift off to sleep again.
I hate dreams.

This time it was a good dream I dreamt of living a happy life without being able to run away from death and threats everywhere.

Being able to stay in one place. Being known as Maeve not as Adelaide.

But I hated this dream.
Because I knew I would never live my life without running away from something. I knew I would never live a happy life.

All my life I was running and I'm tired of it. And the only way to stop is by dying.

I wake up from my dream.

I notice Jackson was shaking me to get off the car to fill the tank whilst he goes and gets us food.

"Babe! Wake Up!" He says calmly
"Yea?Yea! Yea I'm up! What Happened?" I say tiredly and I sit up.

"Fill up the tank, while I get food."  He tells me as he grabs some money

"Sure. Yea. Ok." I say as I get out of my seat and crawl to the seat where Jackson was sitting Inside The car.

As I shut the doors I quickly rub my eyes trying to clear my vision. I wait a little while making sure Jackson gets out of the way.

As he walks into the gas station's store I quickly turn the keys and look back to reverse and drive ahead next to the gas pumps.

I get out and fill the car fully.
Waiting a few minutes for it to fully finish.

When the gas finishes filling up the tank. I put the nozzle back and get back in the car and park back to the spot the car was before.

I crawl over to my seat, close the doors and wait for Jackson to come back. As I wait I look at the highway. Thinking of the adventure ahead.

Since Jackson and  I had no where to sleep I went on my phone to search up Hotels near by.

You turn off your phone and look back up to see Jackson walking towards the car.

With his head tilted down and a two bags in his hand.

He opens the car door and sits down back in his spot and turns the keys.

As we wait for the car to warm up he turns to me "The food is one bag and the drinks in another".

"oh and I found a hotel near by...we should get there before sundown." I quickly say right after.

"great! We should get going" he says as he turns his head towards the road and starts to drive.

I feel bad for Jackson I've already slept and he needs his rest.

I quickly sit up from my slanted position and start off " Jackson.. Stop the car"

"what? No" he says as he looks ahead
"Please! I've slept enough and you haven't!You need to sleep." I say to him worryingly.

" Babe I can sleep right now.... Look were right here!" He says as he points in front of the car and smiles.

"I hate you" I say jokingly as I look at him. I then turn my eyes towards the road. I spot the hotel and look at its features.
Medium sized, Fancy and looks safe enough.
He quickly parks the car and as I get the bags of food Jackson goes to the trunk and gets our suitcases and we soon head inside.

As I enter I look at the hotel. I see the receptionist on the computer, the bellboy with luggage and a few customers.

The hotel wasn't huge. That was good no noise just peace.

We walk up to the receptionist and we ask for a one bed room and we wait for our keys.

As I walk over to the elevator I wait for Jackson to come over.

"Got them!!" He joyfully "Awesome!! Now we can sleep in peace!" I respond as I turn to the elevator.

The elevator opens and I Wait for Jackson to tell me the floor we have to go on.

"Third floor."
He tells me as I reach for the button.

As we walk to our room I look around. it all seems strange but comfortable at the same time. We walk for a few minutes and we get to get our room. As Jackson Enters first he turns on the lights and we look around.

I look in the bathroom and go back to the main room where Jackson was. Still holding out luggage I look at Jackson and nod at him

We drop our luggage on the floor and We fall on the large queen sized bed.

We both sigh I relief and smile a bit.
I turn to look at Jackson who on my left and tell him " I'll get the lights!"

I quickly get off and head towards the light.  And turn the switch off.

I quickly take off my shoes and go on the bed and snuggle next to Jackson waiting to fall asleep and for the next day to arrive.


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- Emma

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2016 ⏰

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