Chapter 6

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I clench my teeth as I feel the stinging sensation on my legs from the wax. All the tributes are required to be pampered, to be presentable for the Capitol. The stylists insist that the wax my whole body, even the most sensitive parts of my body. They left alone my eyelashes, eyebrows, and hair on my head. But all the other hair had to go.

They rubbed a special lotion all over my body, telling me that this will prevent the hair for growing back for months. Then they trimmed my hair, washed it.

They stylists give me a towel and tell me to wait for the main stylist to come. I wrap the towel around my body and sit on the long table. After about 10 minutes, a man comes in.

His skin and his eyes are dark, his hair dyed blonde, and he has piercings on one of his ears. So far he is the most normal looking person I've seen in the Capitol so far. "My name is Cinna." He says.

I nod. "I'm Katniss."

He holds out his hand for me to shake. I put one hand on the towel the towel to keep it from falling and I stick out the other one, grabbing his hand and giving it a firm shake.

Cinna goes over to the table and grabs a measuring tape. He comes over to me, and before I can say anything, lifts the towel off of my body.

My cheeks flush red. I've never had anyone look at me naked since I was a baby. I've always hid my body, since I thought I was too skinny.

Cinna walks around me, examining me. He walks back in front of me. "Put your arms up like this." He put his arms out, as if he was trying to touch something to his side. I copy him. He puts his arms down and walks around me again.

"You have a nice structure. The Capitol will love this." Cinna says, facing me again. He walks over to me, and puts the measuring tape around my waist. He reaches over and grabs a notebook and quickly writing something down. He does this to my neck, hips, legs, and feet.

When he walks away from the table, and I quickly wrap the towel around me again. When Cinna comes back, he places some clothes on the table next to me. "You can change into those." He says.

I look at them. "Is there anywhere I can change?"

Cinna chuckles. "You can change here."

"I want my privacy."

"I just saw you naked."

"You're the one that took the towel off, not me."

Cinna laughs. "Very witty... I like it."

I say nothing. I don't want to start yelling. Cinna points to a door across the room. "There's a bathroom inside that door. You can change in there."

I nod quickly and speed walk into the bathroom. I slam the door shut when I get inside and take a deep breath. I look into a mirror and think about Cinna.

Humiliating, but somewhat likable.

I roll my eyes at my reflection and start changing into my clothes.


"How was your stylist?"

I grunt at Peeta's question. We both are in my bedroom. I am laying down on my bed, face up and arms crossed. Peeta sits near my head, drumming his fingers on my legs. He smiles at me. "I'm sure it wasn't that bad."

"Mhm." I sigh and sit up. "How was yours?"


"I feel you."

He chuckles and reaches out to me. I shift over to him and lay my head on his shoulder. Peeta runs his fingers through my hair and puts his chin down to my head.

"So what do you think?" I break the silence after a few minutes.

"About what?" His voice sounds muffled against my hair.


"I don't know what to think."

I lift my head up and look at him in the eyes. "Me neither. All I know is that we're going to give something important to each other. And I'm really scared."

We stare at each other. I see Peeta breath steadily. "I wish we could wait." He whispers.

"Me too."

I lean in and kiss him softly. He kisses me back. Everything seems so good to be true at that moment.

But what's worrying me is Gale. My family. Everyone I left behind. I don't want to give up my virginity yet. I don't want to have sex with some stranger in the arena.

A tear slips down my eye and rolls down to our lips. Peeta feels it and pulls away. More tears slip down my face, and before I knew what happened, Peeta hugs me tightly. I bury my face in his shoulder and sob.
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