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Alec's POV...

My vision is blurry as I open my eyes. My head is throbbing and I can ringing in my ears. Breathing the air is like swallowing shards of ice. Where am I? The last thing I remember... Oh God. I can't remember. I don't remember.

My name is Alec. Alec... Something... I'm eighteen years old.

The more I think the more my head spins. Why can't I remember? I know who I am, but not anything else.

My vision clears. I try to stand up, only to get pulled back by chains. The chains are so cold that they actually burn.

All I can see is a small light hanging from the ceiling and everything else is cold stone. I'm probably going to die of hypothermia.

I look down at myself. All I'm wearing is a plain black t-shirt, with ripped black skinny jeans, and combat boots.  No wonder I'm cold.

I hear a door open and shut loudly. I hear footsteps, more than one person. Maybe they have came to kill me.

I swallow. I can feel myself shaking. I hear the chains rattling. I can feel my heart rate speed up.

Three figures step into the light. All male. Two of them have knives. Oh God. They are going to kill me. But why...? Are they just murders that kidnapped me? Did I do something wrong?

"No," says the tall guy in the center. "We are doing this my way. That's final."

The guys with the knives stay in darkness. The guy who spoke steps forward. He is tall. He's got tan skin and black hair. His eyes are the color of amber. He has mischievously handsome face. He's wearing a white button up shirt, navy blue jacket, and dress pants.

He walks over to me. He can probably hear my heart beating now. "My name is Magnus," he whispers, with his lips brushing against my ear. "Don't worry Alexander. I'm going to take very good care of you..."

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