Cruel Fate

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Magnus's POV...

Please leave Alexander. Please leave. I don't want you to get hurt. Please.

"You," Amatis snarls at him. She removes the knife from my neck. I sigh in relief as Alexander takes another step toward her.

A sharp pain, I unlike anything I've ever felt before, hits me in the chest. I look down as Amatis yanks the knife out of my chest. She steps back as my knees give out, sending me to the floor.

I look up to see Alexander. His lips are parted like he might say something. His face is full of fear, but in a blink of an eye, I watch as his fear turns into anger.

My vision starts to blur and Amatis and Alexander sound like they are far away. My life isn't flashing before my eyes. The only thing I can think about is Alexander Gideon Lightwood.

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