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Magnus's POV...

"Alexander...?" I turn around to see that he is looking at me. He said my name. I run over to him and untie him from the chair.

I carry him upstairs to the bathroom. His face is covered in bruises and his body is soaked in blood. I can't stand to see him like this.

It's all your fault you idiot! If you didn't run off to have fun in London, this wouldn't have happened! It. Is. All. Your. Fault.

I sit him down on the counter. I take off his blood sweater. His chest, once pale and perfection when I left, is covered in blood due to deep cuts.

I take out the first aid kit and start tending to his cuts. "This is going to sting," I warn him and clean the cuts. He bites his bloody lips and he grabs the counter. His whole body tenses.

After I'm done cleaning his chest, I take off his jeans. His eyes widen and I can see that he's tensing even more.

"I'm just cleaning your cuts," I say meeting his eyes and he relaxes a little. "It's going to sting again."

The cuts aren't as deep as I thought. His face, although bruised and bloody, is uncut. I clean his face with a wet rag.

I stand in front of him. I grab his hips and kiss him passionately. He spreads his legs and wraps them around my waist, returning the kiss.

I guess that he's just as happy to have me here as I am to have him alive. I would never forgive myself if he died. It would be my fault.

I wrap my arms around his back and carry him to the bedroom. I try to lay him down on the bed, but he pulls me on top him.

His legs around my waist and his hands are in my hair. I have my hands carefully placed on his sides and I'm sitting on my knees.

I'm scared to touch him. I don't want to hurt him. I pull my lips off of his. I press my forehead against his and stare into his eyes. I swear they are the most beautiful shade of blue.

"Alexander," I whisper, my lips brushing against his. I can't find the words to say. I don't know what I want to say, or what I mean. His eyes made me forget.

"Could you just," Alexander whispers, his lips brushing mine. "Stay here with me tonight...? You don't have to..."

He untangles himself from me. I get off him. We climb in the covers. I pull him close. We are both on our sides. We intertwine our hands and press our foreheads together. We stare into each other's eyes and slowly fall asleep...

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