Love and Trust

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Alec woke up to see that Magnus wasn't laying next to him. He climbed out of bed and went downstairs. He saw Magnus pick up the phone and slam it down on the ground, smashing it to pieces.

Magnus gasped and clutched at his chest. Alec ran over to him. He held Magnus tight against him as Magnus started coughing hard. "Shh," Alec whispered. "It's okay Magnus. It's okay."

Magnus stopped coughing. He looked up at Alec, with tears in his eyes. He stood up straight and grabbed Alec by his shirt. Suddenly their lips crashed together.

Alec wanted more. Wanted it so much he thought he needed it. Magnus pulled away. "Alexander we have to leave," he said. "Now."

"Did I do something wrong?" Alec asked a little confused. Magnus's face lit up. "Oh no! Of course not Alexander. It's just," Magnus said and his face fell. "We have to go. Right now."

Alec looked like he was about to say something, when the front doors flew open and shut. A tall man with white hair and dark eyes, entered the room. "Sebastian," Magnus gasped.

"Well well well," he said smiling. "I guess Raphael was right. Magnus you love this Nephilim." He said Nephilim as if it were poison in his mouth.

"Where is Raphael?" Sebastian asked seriously. Magnus stepped forward. "He's dead," Magnus said, trying to hide the fear in his voice.

"What is Nephilim?" Alec quietly, but they both ignored him.

"Why is he dead?" Sebastian asked calmly.

"Magnus thought that he killed me," Alec spoke up. "Magnus had business to attend in London. Raphael thought I had my memory. He tortured me for information. He almost killed me."

"Where is Ragnor?" Sebastian asked looking at Magnus, pretending as if Alec never spoke.

"He left," Magnus said refusing to meet his eyes.

"Do you know why that is?" Sebastian said with amusement in his eyes. "He didn't want to be here because he knew what would happen. Did you hire someone else? Amatis perhaps? But let me guess, she's dead too right?"

Magnus looked stunned as he took a step back. "What was your job Magnus?" Sebastian asked stepping forward. "Tell me."

"My job," Magnus sighed. "Was to capture the only living Nephilim on Earth, and torture him for answers."

Alec jumped back. "Magnus," he gasped. Magnus looked over at Alec with sorrow in his eyes. Sebastian snapped his fingers and Magnus looked back at him.

"Why didn't you do your job?" Anger rose in Sebastian's voice. Magnus sighed.

"He lost his memory," Magnus said. "Torturing him would be meaningless."

"Ah," Sebastian smiled. "But it's not only that is it?"

Magnus turned to face Alec. "Alexander, I love you. I love you so much. I have never felt this way about anyone ever. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry Alexander. For everything. I'm not going to hope that you love me back. I just hope that, you can forgive me."

Sebastian pulled out his gun and shot Magnus in the back. Magnus collapsed to the ground. Alec gasped. Sebastian laughed. Alec ran over to Magnus and held him in his chest.

"Magnus," Alec said as tears streamed down his face. "I got my memory back those three days I was asleep. I knew that I should have told you, but I couldn't. I was scared. I'm not anymore. I love you. I don't just love you. I'm in love with you Magnus."

Alec leaned down and kissed Magnus passionately. He felt butterflies in his stomach. Alec's whole body was warm and tingly. He slowly pulled away as he felt Magnus's body fall still.

Alec stood up and turned around. Sebastian smiled at him. That stupid evil smile, that made Alec want to kill him even more.

"So you and your demon forces plan to rule the world?" Alec asked coldly. "You knew that I would kill you. You didn't want to torture. You wanted me because I'm a threat to you. You purposely erased my memory."

Sebastian looked surprised. "So you know the truth," he said. "Now I can torture you."

Alec and Sebastian started going at. They punched, they kicked, they screamed. The fight eventually moved to the kitchen.

"So I'm guessing that your gun only had one bullet?" Alec said breathing heavily, as he punched Sebastian in the face. "Lucky for you," he said smiling as he returned the punch.

"What else do you want from me?" Alec said dodging Sebastian's swing.

"With your virgin Nephilim heart," Sebastian said as he kicked Alec to the ground. "I could combine other ingredients for a spell to open the gates of hell."

Alec jumped to feet and punched Sebastian in the face again. "Though," Sebastian laughed. "Knowing Magnus, I doubt that your a virgin anymore."

Alec grabbed the knife off of table and stabbed Sebastian in the heart. He fell to the ground.

Alec took Magnus's jacket before leaving. He couldn't bare to be there with Magnus dead. Alec was going to learn how to live without him. They hadn't known each other for long. Maybe it wasn't love at all. Maybe it was just loneliness.

Alec was going home. He had some questions that needed to be answered. Now that he has his memory back, things are going to be complicated.

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