Chapter 3

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Raven yanks his tail out from under the light brown tom.

"W-who are y-you?" Raven stammers. He whips his head between the three cats his claws nervously digging into the ground.

"Oh come on Tearfang don't scare the little kit!" The young white she-cat meows padding up to Raven. Raven shivers at the vicious sounding name.

His claws come out when the she-cat stands right in front of him. "S-stay back!" Raven hisses, angry with his own fear.

"It's okay little guy." The she-cat coos. Raven flicked his ear annoyed.

"My names Moonpaw." She meows then points to the black tom. "That's Tearfang don't let his name scare you. He's actually really nice." She then gestures to the light brown tom.

"That's Brokenbranch he's MY mentor." She states proudly. Raven glares at the mouse-brained she-cat.

"That's nice." He growls. "Now if your excuses me I'll be leaving Moonypaw."

Moonpaw's eyes flash "It's MOONpaw." She meows her tail flickering slightly.

The tom named Brokenbranch suddenly leans over and sniffs his pelt. Raven jumps but his fur fluffed up.

"Hey!" He hisses. "I smell kit scent on your pelt." Brokenbranch meows eyes narrowed. "No duh I'm a kit!" Raven meows scornfully his heart pounding.

He can't let these strange cats find his brother and sister.

The Great Rouge Battle ~ Book 1Where stories live. Discover now