Chapter 8

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I have added another clan to the frey to make things a little more interesting. Go check it out! And I hope you enjoy this book so far! (If anyone's even reading it)

Ravenkit watches as their denmates play with each other. They jump on each other with playful glee always careful not to hurt the other.

It had been just one moon since Jaykit, Vinekit, and Ravenkit had joined Leafclan. They had got to know the Clan fairly well in that short time.

"Do you wanna play too Ravenkit?" A pretty light brown she-kit asks.

"Why would you ask HIM Mousekit? He never likes to do anything fun." Said the light gray tom-kit.

"Oh don't be so mean Puddlekit!" Mousekit meows.

"Sorry." Puddlekit mumbles. "But it's true."

"Um could you get off of me Puddlekit?" An orange and gray head pokes out from under Puddlekit.

"Oh sorry Rainkit!"

Ravenkit, growing tired of being talked about, left the nursery to find his siblings.

He saw Jaykit over by the apprentice's den with two apprentices beside her. She's in a hunter's crouch.

"No not like that Jaykit!"

The red tom nose her legs moving them in position.

"She looked good from what I could see Fallenpaw." A striped brown tom meows.

"Who had more experience?" Fallenpaw meows raising an eyebrow.

Tigerpaw rolls his eyes but purrs nonetheless. "You do mouse-brain."

"Um can I move now?" Jaykit meows shaking from the effort of crouching like that.

"Oh of course Jaykit! Sorry I forgot you were there!"

Ravenkit stomps over there scowling. "How could you forget her! She was right in front of your nose!" He growls.

Ravenkit tries to ignore the fact that when they saw him there expressions go from carefree to wary. He just knew everyone in this clan would hate him.

"Do you know where Vinekit is?" He meows gently touching his nose to Jaykit's pelt.

"I think I saw him in Blackclaw's den." She meows leaning down to lick her fur.

Ravenkit's face turns to disbelief. "Why?! He's so grumpy and annoying."

Tigerpaw looks down sternly at Ravenkit. "Don't talk about your Medicine cat that way."

Ravenkit sighs. "Sorry." He mumbles padding away back towards the nursery. He would go back to hiding away in there.

No way would he go into Blackclaw's unless he was dying. As much as he loves Vinekit he was on his own.

Why did the mouse-brain even go in there?

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