Chapter 5

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Jay, Vine, and Raven walk in a tight cluster as the strange Warrior Cats lead them towards there camp.

"We're here!" Moonpaw meows eyes gleaming. She then disappears under a thorn bush leaving the kits with Brokenbranch and Tearfang.

Raven looks at Vine and Jay. "Come on... I guess we can see where these weird cats live." He mumbles looking at the thorn bush.

He squeezes himself on the ground and easily slids under the bush. His short fur made it easy for no thorns to get caught on him.

He looks around the 'camp' and stopped where he was. He was barely aware of Vine and Jay right behind him.

"T-there's so many cats." Vine croaks. Raven presses his body close to his siblings glaring at the cats around him. Had this been a trap?

He saw Moonpaw race up a large rock into a crack at the top.

Raven stiffens when he feels someone behind him.

"Calm down little kit. My Clanmates won't hurt you. There's no reason to be afraid." Brokenbranch mumbles in his ear.

With a scrowls at the cat he hisses "I'm not scared!"

Jay presses closer to her brothers. "Good because I am!" Which caused a purr of amusement from the 'Clanmates.'

A flash of white parted through the Clanmates as a small white she-cat makes her way towards the kits.

"Hello my name is Smallstar I am leader of this Clan."

Raven scrowls "So?"

Smallstar's tail twitches slightly at the kits scornful tone. "Moonpaw told me you have found these kits at the edge of Leafclan?" She turns her question to Brokenbranch.

"Yes, we found the black kit here trying to hunt. They looked like they haven't had a good meal in a few days." Came his reply.

Smallstar leans down closer to the kits. "What are your names." She meows gently.

Raven blinks his eyes shifting his paws around "I'm Raven." He growls. "This is Jay and this is Vine." He points first to his sister then his brother.

Smallstar tilts her head slightly. "May I ask what you were doing out in the woods without your mother?" Raven bristles at her tone.

"We didn't sneak off if that's what your wondering!" He snaps glaring at the she-cat.

"Of course not. Now may I ask what your mother looks like?" She meows softly.

"A pretty yellow she-cat with amber eyes, why do you ask?" He narrows his eyes slightly. "Have you seen her? Did you hurt her?!"

Smallstar gazed at the three kits pity and sorrow in her eyes.

"I saw her leaving for two-leg place three days ago."

Raven jerks away shocked. He knew two-leg place was on the other side of the forest from where him and his siblings had been living.

Had she left them...... On purpose?

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