Chapter 15

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"Ravenpaw! Border Patrol!" Hareburn calls into the apprentice's den. Ravenpaw winces at the headache Hareburn's voice causes.

It has been a moon since the Border fight between the two clans and everyone is a bit jumpy. Ravenpaw's head still hurts from whatever he hit it on.

He thought about taking a poppyseed but quickly dismisses that thought. He wants to be focused and alert when it comes to Patrolling the Borders.

"Coming!" He calls padding outside the den. His eyes immediately search for his brother and sister. He could scent Vinepaw in the Medicine cats den. He spots Jaypaw eating a rabbit with Mousepaw, Fallenpaw, and Puddlepaw.

"Who's coming with us?" Ravenpaw meows his eyes wandering over to Mousepaw.

"Brokenbranch and I are coming with you." Ravenpaw let's out a groan and whips around to see Moonpaw there. "Fine." He grumbles. "Just don't get in my way." Moonpaw laughs as if he told a joke.

Ravenpaw shakes his head then shrugs. "Where are we checking?" Ravenpaw asks tilting his head.

"The border near the two-leg place." Hareburn meows his eyes tightening. "What's wrong?" Moonpaw meows concerned. "Have we been having trouble there?"

"No." Hareburn meows quickly. "Nothing's wrong. Let's just get going."


"Hey what's this scent." Ravenpaw mumbles sniffing at a bundle of leaves. "Smells like Softfern. What was she doing out camp." Softfern and Carpnose were still recovering from the border fight. Softfern was still feeling pretty weak. While Carpnose has opened up his wounds again and they got infected.

"Hey I caught-" Hareburn was at my side hushing me. "What is it?" He hisses. "Oh um just Softfern's scent." Ravenpaw was mildly surprised when Hareburn glares at him.

"That's hardly anything interesting Ravenpaw. We are looking for enemy cats. Is Softfern our enemy?"

"N-no." Ravenpaw stammers eyes wide. "Okay then. Don't bother your Clanmates with useless information." Ravenpaw thought he saw a flash of fear in his mentor's eyes. "Yeah sure I'm sorry." Ravenpaw meows.

They kept at there patrol sniffing around and only finding faint scents of loners or kitty-pets. "Well we better head back." Hareburn meows acting like his usual self. Ravenpaw's mind was still on the way he had acted.

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