Chapter 13

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Ravenpaw gasps and his claws slid out. Hareburn was at Softfern's side having her lean into him.

"Ravenpaw! Go find your brother and Blackclaw." Hareburn's voice turns grim. "I have a feeling we'll need them."

Ravenpaw nods eyes widen. He has to admit he is very much afraid right now. "Okay." He croaks throat dry. Ravenpaw darts off into the forest fear in his heart.

He catches a scent of Vinepaw on a bush and stops to sniff it. "Where they go." He mumbles scenting the air. He flicks his tail and sets off once more.

"Vinepaw!" Ravenpaw gasps bursting from the bushes coming face to face with Blackclaw. Ravenpaw flinches back and looks wildly around for Vinepaw.

"Vinepaw is busy." Blackclaw growls. "Why are you running around like a maniac?"

"Fogclan!" Ravenpaw bursts out. "There by the border! They attacked one of our patrol."

Blackclaw narrows his eyes. "Where's Smallstar?" He asks.

"She, Softfern, Carpnose, and Deadpool all went on the border patrol." Ravenpaw meows his anxiety rising.

"Where's Vinepaw?" Ravenpaw snaps glaring at the Medicine Cat. Blackclaw closes his eyes which makes Ravenpaw scared.

"Run swiftly to the border dear Ravenpaw. I sent your brother there to pick Poppyseeds." Blackclaw meows softly.

Ravenpaw was running even before Blackclaw had opened his eyes again.


Ravenpaw breathes hard as he bolts for the border. His ear pricks up at the sound of battle and he felt panic tighten good chest.

He's only been an apprentice for a day! How was he suppose to fight a enemy if someone's hurting his brother?!

He stops for a second to catch his breath before moving forward once more. He tries to calm himself down as he slowly makes his way to the battle.

His eyes widen at the scene in front of him. Cats attacking cats. Blood and claws were flying everywhere.

"Vinepaw!" Ravenpaw screams as loud as he can. "Say something if you can hear me!"

"Ravenpaw." Ravenpaw pricks his ears up as he barely caught the sound of his brothers voice.

He takes a deep breath and dives into the fighting cats. He ducks and darts between and under cats using his size against his enemy's.

He finally came to the very middle of the battle where he finds his brother crouched eyes wide and scared. "Oh Ravenpaw!" Vinepaw cries jumping to his paws and darting towards me.

Unfortunately the two young toms caught the attention of a large ugly Warrior.

"Figures." The tan colored tom snorts. "That Leafclan would send their kits into battle."

Ravenpaw's pelt spikes up in anger and his eyes flash with fury. "I'm an apprentice!" He snarls darting forward to nip the tom.

He was shocked when the tom just batted him away. "Whatever. Remember the name Rag when your whimpering about your wounds." The tom, Rag, snarls and leaps forward.

The Great Rouge Battle ~ Book 1Where stories live. Discover now