31 1 1

"Ezra?" I whisper.

"Hmm?" He asks, still asleep, I nudge him.

"I have to get up." I try to push his arm off of me, but that makes him tighten his grip, making it difficult to breath. "I have. to. get. up." I say through clenched teeth as I try in vain to push away from him.

"What do you need?" He mumbles and scrubs at his face with his free hand, I turn my head to see behind me, because my back is against his front. My  face heats as I  now notice my t-shirt has ridden up to as night gowns usually do. I try to pull away, but his arm in locked around me. I know he's awake now, and he's just trying to mess with me. I try to find a clock around the room.  

There is a clock above the TV reading 9:47, Ezra never sleeps in this late, but then again, I slept while he drove all day.

I wonder who the person was.

What person?

The one he almost kissed.

Wait what? Why would you want to know that?

You thought of it first.

I grimace and pull he covers off of me.

ugh! I'm so bored. 

"Ezra!" I yell, making him jump up.

"what the..?!" He shouts and I finally pull myself from underneath his arm.

I shake my head, and look at him, coming to my senses. I apologize profusely.

"Sorry for waking you up so rudely, I was just getting really hot, but my feet were super cold. I'm sorry." I say again, and he shakes his head. I sit up and pull my t-shirt down as I slide out of the bed. 

"Sorry." I apologize and my face heats up to a temperature of 700 degrees. Ezra seems to take amusement in my embarrassment, and I glare at him. He just silently chuckles to himself, "You're ridiculous." My glare deepens, in a vain attempt to not laugh, the irony is just too much, and I try to hold my laughter in, but it bubbles up and I giggle ridiculously, I hate giggling, and Ezra starts laughing at me. I go into the bathroom, still silently laughing. I come out going to the bathroom, and Ezra is once again asleep on the bed, his arm splayed onto the other side of the bed. I go over to my purse, and rummage through it, to find the sharpie I bought from Walmart last night. I grab a disposable camera, and write in large letters OHIO. Did I bring a book? because I would like that very much if I did... aha! I did bring one. I plop down on my own bed, which is very cold. But not surprisingly I can't focus on it. I groan and remember Ezra and look over at him, he hasn't stirred. why the clickety clack did you sleep in his bed?! I ask myself angrily. 

It was nice though. I counter, and my other self what do you call it, my white angel glares at the black one. Which I listen to more frequently then I would like to admit.

It was  not nice! It was awkward.

How long is it acceptable to let him sleep? I scrunch my face up thinking, I look up at the clock and it says it's 10:00. Wow how has 20 minutes passed?

I try to turn my thoughts back to my book, and thankfully I actually can read it with out thinking of my mistakes.

Before I know I've fallen asleep. 


I sit up and groan, feeling the start of a headache blossoming in my head. Ezra is gone, and I have a miniature heart attack, has he been abducted, and left me? Am I really that bad looking? I shake my head when I hear the toilet flush, ah, that's where he is. I get up and go over to my luggage, should I wear a dress today? oh crap! the fact dawns on me with regret, and my stomach begins to coil up and I feel as if I need to throw up.

It's tomorrow.

"Hiya." Ezra says as he walks out, I look at him sleepily and I try to stand up straight but dizzying black and white spots cloud my vision and I almost topple over. and groan, "Fine, I'm not that happy to see you either." He says feigning offense, when my sight returns I smile.

"I'm extremely sorry for my behavior."  I say, as I look at him seriously and he chokes a laugh back and smiles.

"Well I don't know how I'll ever forgive you, but I'll let it pass, this time." I try not to laugh, and  notice he's dressed already, and I continue to look through my clothes, I decide on a pair of leggings and and a black dress, my sandals, or my sneakers, I'll choose when its time to leave, I take my backpack when I grab my clothes and go into the bathroom. 

When I've finished with my teeth and brushed through my long black hair, which was a bad idea on my part, because my wavy hair decided to be monstrous this morning, and when i run the brush through it expecting it to go through and leave soft shiny locks in it wake, but... that's not what happens it comes back with nice humidity frizzed puff. I sigh and leave it be, looking like a black haired lion. I open the door and my eyes are still drooping, although I've slept more then I have in 3 months in these past two days.

"Okay, so I'm thinking we'll go to the library today, figure this crap out." I nod throwing my pajamas into my bag and zipping it back up hastily. "So, are you in a bad mood this morning?" He asks.

"No, not at all, I'm just getting nauseous, I think my food was bad or something." He nods and looks at the clock, although he has a digital watch on his wrist and it would be much faster to read instead of the one above the TV, I look at it too. It's already 11? Wow, I got a lot of sleep last night! He groans.

"We better be getting off, do you mind if we just stop at a quick stop for breakfast? I think i just want a coffee." I nod, i don't think I'll be eating anything either, for fear of losing it. "Oh, and also you don't need to apologize for last night he shakes his head, and I bite my lip trying not to laugh, he smiles, "Off we go. Oh, and don't forget anything." 

We pack everything up, and dispose of our garbage, as we leave the room two people walk out of the room next to ours. 

The man is a tall brunette with blue eyes, and the clothes he's wearing are slightly disheveled as if he's wearing what he did yesterday. 

the girl is a redhead, its fake I can tell right away because her eyebrows are strikingly different color, and her makeup looks slightly smudged. The black jeans she's wearing are loose, as if they lost their stretch, and her top is wrinkly. I smile at her and she blushes, we take the same route down the stairs, and as we exit the building the guy sighs.

"Okay, so you don't tell Brenda, and I don't tell Max." She nods.

"Good idea." She waves and they go to separate cars.  

Well I think I was just put into the most awkward situation...

When me and Ezra put our bags into the trunk, and get into our seats, before he starts the car he looks at me. And we both burst out laughing.

"To the quick stop!" I shout excitedly and throw my hand up, whacking it painfully on the roof and laugh at my clumsiness. 


I think this update is a little faster then the last. Please comment and vote! 


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