The Dream

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  (Uuuugh I've been gone too long~~~!! XD I'm so so sorry you guys!! School y'know.. and~ again I'm half-asleep but I thought I should write this real quick... This is going to connect some points in your mind that has been hidden. Anyways let's go before I pass out XDD)

        It's been a long day.

       You're Master, Slappy decided he worked you to the bone enough today, so he let you head to your room, after which you got to your room, wishing he would come with. You fantasized about him coming into the room at night and crawling into bed with you. You yearned for it. But there was nothing to be done. He was a strict Master. You didn't mind.

       You changed to your (F/C) spaghetti strapped shirt and (F/C) panties and crawled into bed. Then you started to dream.

        The dream started out normally. You were in a room full of books and things of your favorite fandom, and you heard a noise. You walked out the door and into the darkness. All you could hear was the echoing of your stomps until it started turning into a sick 'squish'. After a moment you realized it and looked down. There, laying in pools of their own blood was a huge handful of dead girls with the words 'rival' written in blood on your forehead. You gasped and looked down at your hands, only to find a bloody knife and a letter that read:

                      'Dear Master,

       I love you, I can't take it. I need you. I don't want to live without you. I will die for you! I want you to use me however you want as long as you never throw me out.


      You're royal Slave.'

              You blushed, knowing you have written this in your diary to let go of tension a few days ago. You dropped the paper and knife and turned around only to gasp in shock. There, standing there with a big Cheshire grin plastered on his face was Slappy, your master.

               "You sure got yourself down a creek without a paddle, haven't you?" He chuckled his laugh.

              Blushing, you spoke, "I-I-I didn't kill them, Master! It wasn't me!"

               "Oh really? He smirked, "Then why did I witness you stab your knife into their bodies? There blood splattering and dropping with every stab? Crying for you to stop?" He kept smirking wider and taking a step forward when he was listing what you have done.

                "M-master please! I'm sorry!"

              "Why are you sorry?" He smirked and apparently in your dream he was taller then you. He cupped your chin and lifted your face, chuckling.

              "You're an idiot, dummy" He chuckled and kissed you deeply. You blushed, not knowing what was going on, soon you wrapped your arms around him too, kissing back with pure love and lust. He finally kissed back with the same emotion. He picked you up and slammed you against the wall, kissing and licking your neck, then he bit down hard on it, making you gasp and groan. 

             "Just relax, and let me show you what this wood can really do." He laughed and pulled down his pants with one hand and kissed you, you whimpered in pleasure and kissed deeply back, moaning. He pulled away, smirking. When he started pulling down his underwear seductively, he looked at you and started making a alarm beeping sound. You were confused and then everything went black.


               When you woke up from the dream, you were sweating bullets and blushing crazily, you brushed back your (H/C) hair with your fingers and sighed.

              "Damn it, it was only a dream...."


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