You see Slappy Naked!

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  (I'M SORRY!!!! I didn't mean to be gone for so long~~!! I've just been so busy~~!!!! I'm sorry!! I promise to try harder to update. This was a request from an amazing person! You see Slappy naked!! Oh my~! ;) )

       You were walking through the house, putting things up and laundry back. You put clean dish towels around the sink and the doormats by the door. You were getting the hang of being Slappy's maid/slave. It was fun, knowing you were needed the way he needed you. 

        Finally you walked down the hallway and walked passed his office quietly, trying not to disturb him. He has always been in that room if not around town to talk to fellow monsters. That was also alright with you, because you were so used to being stressed by family running around that the peace was relaxing. Especially since you've been thinking about that kill and the possibility of killing again. You smiled as you thought about the warm blood splattering over you and the scream the future victim would emit after talking bad or trying to take Slappy.

         You giggled crazily as you turned and opened the door to the bathroom. You jumped and blushed, to your surprise, there was Slappy standing there naked, looking in the mirror, when he saw you he gasped and threw a large glass cup, it smashed against your head, but you were used to it. He cursed out many profanities and yelled at you to close the door. You did as told, but you swore you saw a blush on his cheeks. 

           You walked to your room in a daze, "I...just saw...master naked..." You blushed hard and laid down, deciding to sleep it off. It was Twelve A.M, anyways. You were blushing, thinking over and over about Slappy being naked. It was the most you have gotten to see ever.

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