Moonlight Sonata is Calling all The Monsters

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   (This is the ending of Yandere Slave. The song is requested by: Akatsukifan101. Now before we start, I want to thank you all for reading this story and loving it. I hope you enjoy the ending. When I wrap this up, I will start on a book about all the haunted dolls in one universe. So anyways, Enjoy the final chapter of: Yandere Slave)

     The next night, you heard police cars and ambulances running around Madison. You sighed and stood up, climbing up the roof and walking along it. You felt sad and alone without Slappy here to order you around. Plus now you know that he felt the same way. You heard a scream behind you and you smirked evilly, turning around you saw a woman in a formal red dress standing there, scared. Obviously she knew you were Slappy's slave. There must be a wanted system out on you. You ran up to her and covered her mouth.

    "Shh shh.. We musn't let people know we're here~! Where is Stine?"

    "I-I don't know! All I know is that he's the new English teacher for Madison High School." You smirked, giggling and then busted into laughter.

   "A English teacher, huh? Well I know how to treat those." You cracked your knuckles and punched her square in the face, she fell down and you kicked her face and then stabbed her in the stomach. You took out your dagger from her newly dead body and wiped it off on her clothes, standing up and running off the roof and on a store awning. It was night, so Stine would probably be like other teachers, staying in the high school to get ready for the next week. Or, in this city's case, helping to get the school back together. You ran to the school.

    You peeked through the window to see Stine going over papers and picking up rubble. You climbed on the roof and eased in through a hole from the monster's ambush on the school. You noticed a janitor mopping, you walked slowly up to him and as he took out his earbuds after hearing something, you snapped his neck. You grabbed the keys out of his pocket and continued through the school, you finally got to the room and found the key, making sure you unlocked it easily. The door opened and you eased in like a cat. Stine glanced at the door.

   "Hm? Who's there?" You hid on the other side of his desk. He stood up and closed the door, "I thought I locked this." He locked it again and sat back down, you eased like a spider to the back of his chair. He mumbled something to himself as he wrote something on a piece of paper. You stood up and aimed your dagger at his throat. He gasped as he felt you hold him in a neck lock with a dagger with it.

    "(Y/N)! W-what are you--"

    You growled in his ear, "Where is the book, Stine?"

   "What book?"


  "I'm not telling you!" You glared and cut into his neck a little bit, drawing blood. He gasped.

 "I-It's in my basement! But you won't be able to get in the basement without my key!" He laughed, you growled.

  "Well then I'll just have to get the key." You smirked evilly.

  "How the hell are you going to do that?" You laughed and cut deep in his throat, he gasped and choked, blood spilling out of his neck.

  "I'm going to keep your head as a gift of honor to Master." You laughed in madness, sawing at his neck and cutting off his head. You grabbed his hair and lifted his head, with your free hand you wet your fingers with his blood and wiped it on your cheeks like hunters do when they kill deer. 

  You kicked his body out of the seat and looked around his desk and in his pockets. Finally you found his keys. You twirled the key-chain around your finger and carried his head as you walked out of the classroom. You got out of the school and stalked through the street like a gang member in victory. You put a piece of gum in your mouth and chewed it as you walked with the keys and his head. You got to the house and went to where his basement was outside and went inside. You noticed the bear traps easily. You cackled and set the head down on the ground, you then did Mission: Impossible moves to the bookshelf, you looked and found the book. You took the book and took out an explosive, you took out your gum and placed it on the wall, putting the explosive on the gum and lighting it with a match, you went back to the head and ran out of the basement.

   You ran across the street and too the amusement park, you laughed when you heard the explosion. The explosive was powerful enough to blow up every house within a one mile radius. So it should eliminate the house, Sarah and Zach. You got to the amusement park and unlocked the book, throwing the book on the ground, the chill flew on your skin and you smirked, holding the head close. All the monsters flew out of the pages. You smiled when you saw all of your friends come out, and in front of the group was Slappy. You felt tears rim your eyes.

  "Master. You're back."

  He smirked, "What do you expect? In the end, the monsters always win!"

  You giggled, "Yes, that is true." You held out the head, "Here, Master. I bring to you, the head of the enemy. For your honor." The monsters cheered and Slappy took the head, smiling.

  "Thank you, (Y/N)." He pulled you down and kissed you roughly. You blushed and smiled in the kiss, your dreams coming true.

   That dawn, Hannah was locked up until further notice and Slappy ran over Wally with a Steamroller. As for you? You served Slappy as his slave the rest of your life. Your sanity was nowhere to be found, but you didn't miss it. You like your madness. So does Slappy. 

   The monsters won the war. Stine head was put on a trophy case in City Hall, the head turned and winked.

(TA-DA~ That is the end of Yandere Slave! I hope you guys love it!! I will work on the playlist that will have all the songs from this story and I will at it on a authors note chapter on a later time. Comment what you thought about this story! Thank you so much for reading! See you in your screams! *laughs and dissapears* )

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