Stalking Master

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          (Finally I can upload another chapter!!! I'm going to get depression meds today, wish me luck!! also, look at the picture I added above XDD)

             You were sitting on the couch, going over files Slappy made you organize. You were amazed it was taking so long to catch Stine. He probably could have fled town by now. No, Stine would be on the other side of town trying to figure out how to get to the typewriter. 

             You and the monsters were on one side of Madison, barricading the high school where the typewriter was, and Stine and the humans were on the other side. It reminded you of a rival gang from one of the novels you've read. Sure you were the only human on this side of Madison, but you didn't mind. You were close to Slappy and that was all that mattered. 

             Speak of the devil, he walked into the living room, dropping more folders and papers down. You looked at him.

              "I need you to organize these files too. As for organizing, forget doing it by name. I want it organized by monster type now."

              You smiled, "Yes, master!" It was tedious, but you were happy to be doing something important.

              "Good. Now don't mess it up! I don't want to get confused because of your incompetents!" He then turned around and went back into his office.

               When he walked back to his office, you smirked. You stood up, planning to finish organizing later. Grabbing your camera you sneaked over to the hallway, crawling on the ground and close to the wall. His door was open. Listening to the wall beside the door, you could hear him talking on the phone. You risked a glance, Slappy had his head back against the chair, his face not looking at the door. Blushing, you aimed your camera and took two pictures. You were thinking that he was so hot with his head back and his neck exposed. Biting your lip, you imagined him doing that out of pleasure. You stared at him, gripping the doorway. You could hear his conversation too, but you only payed attention to clumps of it.

               "We're going to raid Stine....yes..... My slave's organizing the files......tomorrow at 2....okay....goodbye." Then he hung up. You hid behind the wall before he could see you. You moved some of your (h/c) hair behind your ear before listening to the wall. He was walking, but it wasn't to the door. It suddenly stopped. Slappy must be looking out of the window. You glanced inside and knew you were correct. He was staring out of the window, contemplating something. You smirked, taking this time to glance at his butt. Blushing, you took three photos of it. He had a nice one. You continued staring for a while before crawling back to the living room and to your spot. You giggled as you went back to organizing. 

               'Master is so cute.'

(WHOOO!!! XDD What did you guys think about this chapter? If you liked it punch that vote button LIKE A BOSS and comment!! Please comment! :3 BYE~!!)

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