What was once bliss has turned to vile infestation
O, how the waking moments no longer sparkle
It's as if the days' contact lenses were smuggled into a burlap sack
Lost, forbidden from seeking attachment to it's crystal eyes any longer
Though the thief remains clear as day
With his face of baby-soft and whiskers;
it feels congruent to my own face, yet
The fire is different now
Previously burning with uncomfort
From red to blue, the sunset has descended with a change of color
it being clear to see for all who wish to see
Though for the individuals who pray not to see
It is seen anyway
For the reflections given off by the basking tears of the unliving shall twinkle
but only slightly
And I see myself young again
Nine once more
Throwing the match into the firepit built of tar
Unaware, blinded by flame
Hibernation took place soon after
And clarity whispered to me
"Blissful ignorance is inherited, yet not taught
However it may be untaught by the ones we defeat"