Romance. I'm Pretty sure We're Doing it Wrong.

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A/N: this does not follow the actual story line of  Trouble

Wulf POV:

Scotty stared at me for a long moment, "so what are you doing with Vega tomorrow?"

I hummed, twirling the steak knife between my fingers, "I dunno why?"

He blinked, "Why? Wulf...has Vega been happier lately?"

"hmm yeah now that you mention it she's been touchier and gigglier, and well more sexual the past few days..." I drifted into fantasy land, " much more sexual..."

"Wulf..." He snapped his fingers at me, "Wulf! bro tomorrow is valentines day. She's probably expecting something romantic."

I stared at him for a long moment, "...fuck."

Vega was going to murder me. She was going to fucking chop off my dick.

"Scotty. I need some seriously nice ass booze, chocolates, none of them white chocolate, and the flower shops number. And get Jeremy to help. Oh and totally gay candles."

"What the hell? Do you honestly think you can plan valentines in a day?!"

'"uh. yeah I just did. get to it. I need string lights too."


I left the room before he could say a word.

Maybe I should buy her a puppy...

But she has dingo...

Dingo already takes her attention away from me.

No pets then.


No...that would be normal.

..I could get her one of those huge ass bears she can't even carry..

but thats not very vega.

I could get her jewelry.

but that did't seem right.

Maybe I should buy her a yacht...


My phone rang.

I nearly banged my head against the wall when I saw it was Vega, "hey babe."

you could hear the smile in her voice, "Hi Wulfie!"

"whats up."

"nothing much, studying for my math test, are you busy today?"

...more than she should ever know, "yup, very."

She hummed, "oh, okay. I was hoping we could do something today before happy couples filled the rest of the world and we lacked privacy."

Privacy..right got to achieve that to, "you won't have to worry about that peaches."

she hummed, "whatever you say. you sure you can't spare some time?"

"if I can I'll throw some pebbles at your window, just remember to answer naked."

She laughed a bit, wishing me goodbye.


Vega POV

I looked over at Dingo, "he totally forgot."

My dog rested his head on his paws and whined.

I flopped back onto my bed. "Well I'm curious to see what he comes up with. Hopefully he knows not to ruin everyones day by oh so magically emptying out a restaurant for the two of us to be alone. Not my thing."

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