Challenge Accepted

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I wanted to try out this really cool tag I got from @myotpisabsolute myotpisabsolute. Thanks for including me in this fun game!


1. You must post all the rules

2. You must tag 15 people.

3. You must post 13 facts about yourself.

4. You must answer 13 questions given to you.

5. You must create 13 more questions for those you tagged.

6. You can't say you don't do this tag.

7. You must finish this within a week or I have full right to remind you.

8. You should be creative with the tittle.


13 Facts about little me

*My favourite scenery is one that gives you the feeling of freedom. Such as, a spacious garden or a area where it had just rained.

*I like to read and write stories on Wattpad because I dream of becoming a novelist and, by doing this, my vocabulary will widen.

*I'm more to a cat person. But, I haven't had any pet cats.

*My favourite colours are black, white, blue, purple and crimson.

*My life-escape is by watching anime or listening to songs. Mostly, anime theme songs.

*I can speak English, Malay, Arab, Indonesia and Japanese.

*I love all my friends. Yup, I'm talking to you!

*My record of holding my breath is 45 seconds.

*I am obsessed with quotes right now.

*I'm learning how to play piano! Really enjoy the beautiful instrument.

*Crazy fact: I thought Naruto wasn't an anime. {But, I know that it is, now ;)}

*My name is pronounced Lisa and spelled Lyssa. (Some people don't know that)

*I'm a very random person.

QUESTIONS FROM myotpisabsolute

1. Who is your number one OTP?

=There are a lot. But, I'd say Ereri

2. How many anime have you watched?

=Honestly, I lost track. Hmm, over 50? I think?

3. What type of fashion do you like?

=Anything that I'm comfortable with.

4. What Nationally are you?

=I'm from South East Asia

5. Do you want your love life to be like a Disney princess? If so, which one?

=Princess Merida. Does that count?

6. Do you hate wearing anything shorts?

=I don't particularly mind, but, I do get a bit uncomfortable sometimes.

7. Are you single or taken?

=I am forever alone. Sad life.

8. If you could live in an anime world, what world will it be?

=Hmm, that's a hard one. Maybe, the world of Assassination Classroom. I mean, it would be really fun to be an assassin. Plus, that anime was so awesome.

9. Which of the 7 deadly sins describe you?

=I would say envy. But, if there was bloodlust, then, there.

10. What would you do to the character who interferes with your OTP?

=I would skin them alive and stuff them into a barrel.

11. Do you have a pet?

=I did, but sadly, they all past on to the afterlife. RIP

12. Do you like Yaoi or Yuri?

=Yaoi. (Obviously)

13. Have ever been bullied at school?

=Does it count if someone messes with you a lot? If so, yes, when I was in fourth grade.



1. What's your favourite genre?

2. What's your top 5 favourite anime?

3. What 'dere' do you think you are?

4. If you could be one anime character, who would you be?

5. What sports do you play?

6. How would you describe yourself in three words?

7. Which anime theme song is stuck in your head right now?

8. Which of the four seasons to you most enjoy?

9. If you could live abroad, which country would you live in?

10. Would you like it if you had a twin? Why?

11. If you were to stab somebody, where will you stab her/him?

12. What type of music would you prefer to have stuck in your head?

13. Name one superpower you would like to have.


















That's it! I really had fun, so you have to have fun when you're doing this too. Till next time, bye!

*I'll be deleting this chapter tomorrow at noon, so, be quick!*

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