Chapter 7: I'll always be here

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"Little doll, can I come over?"

"May I ask why?" I crossed my arms, my tone clearly sounded sarcastic despite the polite words I used.

"I can't?" he tilted his head, acting confused as if it was normal to allow him into my home.

I simply sighed as I began to walk in the direction of the train station. I want to go home. It's still noon but I want to sleep. I have so little energy in me, I wonder why.


"The train will be arriving soon. Passengers who wish to aboard, please stand behind the yellow line."

"Looks like it's about time we standby." Karma looked up to the pair of speakers who carried the message wirelessly from the main office hanged on the wall. Getting up from his seat, he extended his left hand in front of me, in intention of helping me up. "Don't you think?"

"Yeah" I extended my own to grab hold of his. He pulled me out of my seat just enough of a boost for me to stand properly. "Let's go."

As we both walked side-by-side to the waiting area that has a yellow line as mentioned, Karma didn't spoke a word regarding coming over to my house. Its as if he intentionally dropped the topic so that I would think about it subconsciously.

And his theory is now proved.

Ugh, this is such a pain. I want to hurry up and go home.

"You're thinking about it, aren't you?"

As I turned around, the train arrived with a sudden gust of wind and the sound of the screeching cracks. By the time the doors of the cars open, people were already starting to rush out.


"C'mon, if we don't hurry up, we'll miss the train." he walked past me, his hands stuffed in his pockets as he called for me when he saw my back was still turned.

"C-Coming." I responded, heading to the train car he was in reluctantly.

Was it just me, or did he know what I was thinking of?


Just get it out of your head, you damn idiot! It was clearly obvious how he did that. My face is just too readable, that's it. He isn't some telepath, okay? Just keeping walking and forget about it!

"Someone's looking stressed out." Karma stopped to poke my cheek.

I turned to him, his finger automatically removed itself from my face which I'm grateful for. "Who's fault do you think that is?!" I yelled, scaring him a little.

He continued walking, attempting to leave me behind but I caught up soon after. "I don't know," he shrugged, kicking a pebble out of his way. "Manami, maybe?"

"I have no intention of thinking about your past lover!"

Karma stopped again, this time from shock. "H-Hey, are you okay?" he suddenly started shaking my shoulders gently.

"You idiot," I stopped his annoying movements by placing my hand over his that was on my shoulder, with him flinching a little by my touch. "Why wouldn't I be, okay?"

"Well, you sounded like you were jealous just a second ago."

I hiccupped slightly before extending my foot to kick him. Unfortunately, it didn't quite reach its destination. "That was close." he laughed off, thinking nothing of the kick.

Multiple attempts came after that and soon, it became too bothersome to even try anymore. "Gotten tired?" he asked, his annoying smile growing wider.

Behind The Smile||KarmagisaWhere stories live. Discover now