Chapter 4: Already Friends

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A/N : So sorry for not updating for so long.


The constant blabbering of the teacher in front of me really annoyed me to the point of dying. He was going on and on and on about some sort of maid café that he had recently been to. We were supposed to be going through homeroom but, this idiot teacher started going off topic completely before he'd even taken our attendance.

Tapping the pencil lead on the area of the desk closest to me, I tried my absolute best to stay composed and not snap in the middle of his one-sided conversation. I scanned the classroom, that shared the same fate as me, from the corner of my eye, careful not to seem rude to the useless homeroom teacher in front of us.

"He's not here today either, huh?" I mumbled to myself before returning to the teacher's attention--well, not really. Rather than trying to keep up with him, I started doodling random shapes in my spare notebook I keep with me during classes. Soon, the down, right corner of the opened book was filled with circles, triangles, squares--all the basic geometrical shapes you could think of.

Lines here and there, both straight and rounded, forming a letter one-by-one. Some connecting, some not. A string of words were formed, one after the other until, a sentence was visible.

Immediately, I shook my head.

Digging my pencil case to find an eraser, I closed the book to not make the name in my field of vision. I hated it, to the point I didn't want to even look at it. Yet, I find myself writing the particular name over and over again every chance I get. It disgusts me how much I miss him.

I found myself staring out the window rather then to be bothered to continue the search for the tiny block from my amazon pencil case. As long as I don't see it, I won't even remember it. Its just logic. The human brain forgets very easily, and I have the experience to prove it.

The uniquely shaped, white clouds gave texture to the plain blue sky that stretches as far as the eye can see. A few flocks of birds decorating it with a lovely sight as the sun created their shadows on the meadows below. I could almost feel the calmly wind enter the room from the tiny crack in the window as I witnessed the trees swaying to its mercy.

This kind of what makes me completely forget about the reality I live in.

"Is Nagisa here?" a change of voice suddenly caught me off guard as I snapped back into the reality I had just escaped from. I faced forward to find an unfamiliar face scanning the room as he repeated my name once again.

"I'm here." I said, raising my hand up to make my tiny self more visible.

"You can pair up" he mumbled as he flipped through the pages of the file currently in his hand. "I'm sorry, everyone else already has a partner. Um...I thought this class had an even number of students?"

Wait, who is he? What's he talking about? How come I didn't notice what's going on in this classroom until the very last second?!

"Karma's not here today." I froze at the name that our male class rep mentioned. "He's absent today, too, apparently. Been absent since Tuesday."

Isogai Yuuma, Class-E's male representative. He was placed in this class because of his violation of school regulations against having jobs in school. He works part-time as a waiter due to help his poor family's finances from what I've heard. I'd say his grades are average, nothing special but, nothing too bad either.

"Oh, I see." the stranger acknowledged. "Then, Nagisa'll pair up with Karma."

My tired eyes snapped open, I have to pair up with K-Karma? After what happened on Tuesday's recess period? He's not even here.

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