Chapter 3: A new friend

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"Nagisa," he patted my head, ruffling my hair while he's at it. "Be a good boy okay?"

Wincing a bit at his statement, I removed his tangled fingers from my oddly coloured hair. "Geez, you don't have to tell me that anymore," I punched his sides slightly. "I'm already twelve!"

"Turning twelve" he corrected. "But, you're still a kid to me, though"

"We're only a couple of months apart!"

"Yeah, yeah," he slung his backpack on. "Save the nagging for when I come back."

"When are you coming back?"

"In time for your twelfth birthday party." he assured me, as he started walking towards the car honking impatiently for him at the side of the road, in front of the house. "I won't miss it for the world. I promise."

With that, he hoped into the vehicle before rolling down the window. "Wait for me, 'Kay?" he smiled.



"Happy Birthday to you!"

Its been two weeks since I last saw him. Don't tell me he's forgotten to come back from his trip to London for my party. But, he promised he'd showed up.

I walked towards a woman wearing a lovely sundress, his mother I assumed. "Excuse me, is your son back from London yet?" I asked, trying my best to be polite.

"Oh, you mean him?" she smiled, angling down so we were face-to-face since, obviously, there was a huge height difference and she was just being polite. "Sorry, Nagisa, he isn't back yet. His flight got cancelled cause he had an emergency to attend to there so, he won't be back until tomorrow night."

"B-But, he promised he'd come in time." I shuttered, unable to think.

The lady squeezed my hand a bit, "Its okay, he'll just be a bit late." she assured. "He didn't forget, he just had his studies to attend to."

"Can I at least talk to him?"

"I'm sorry, sweetie." she apologized. "He's busy right now."

B-Busy? So, that means, he chose work over me? But, I thought we were best friends. We've known each other for years now. He didn't even call. He didn't even send me a text. Is he trying to end our friendship?

No, wait. I'm just over-thinking this. Surely there must be a good reason for this, and there is! It can't be helped, I mean, what do I expect him to do? Cross over the pacific ocean just to get to some lame party that he doesn't even what to attend?


This is all his fault....



With a clash of sudden lights flashing before me, I forced open my eyelids, tearing me apart from my memory. My eyes started to accustom to reality as I saw Karma beside me.

"What the hell?" my voice, which was usually high-pitched, became raspier. A side-effect from sleeping too long, at least for me it is.

"Finally awake, huh?" he crossed his arms to his chest as I sat up, wrinkling the blanket that covered my body, bringing my knees up to my chest, clutching it between my arms. "I was trying to wake you up since forever!"

"Is there something important you wanted to ask me?" I asked, wiping away the sleep-dust from my eyes along with several tears that formed from my previous yawn.

"Nothing in particular." he shrugged.

"Is that so?"

"A-Anyway," he crawled in front of me, sitting with his legs crossed in front of him. "What's with the tears, little doll?"

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