Chapter 18: The Confession

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A/N: Hey friends. Sorry I couldn't update earlier, I had a packed week, you wouldn't believe it. But, whatever, enjoy the chapter, okay? Thanks for all the support, by the way.


My eyes fluttered open as I licked my lips, a bit annoyed at how they were crusted from the time I left them dry. I let out a groan, sitting up from my previous position on the bed.

"You awake?" I heard a familiar voice call out to me.

I spun my head towards him, raising an eyebrow once I confirmed his identity. "How long?" I simply asked, not bothering to hold up a pointless conversation with the purple-eyed boy in front of me.

"Three hours." he answered, frowning. "A bit earlier than expected actually. Hanji said that you'd at least rest for a few more hours before waking up."

"That cut really got the better of me, huh?" I joked, feeling up my back only to find it bandaged. "My whole chest is practically broken now."

He raised an eyebrow as he smiled amusingly, "Even in a life threatening situation like this, you're joking around. You even passed out on the boat before we even got to HQ."

"Hey, it wasn't my fault." after letting a silence fall between us, I remembered, "Where's Nagisa?" I asked, wondering what could've happened to the blue haired lad. "What happened to him?"

Gakushuu bowed his head, as if hesitant to answer truthfully. "Well, you see..." he trailed off, biting his shaking lip.

"What happened when I was out?" I pursued, determined to squeeze out answers from the redhead.

"He went...on a killing spree...again."

I scrunched my eyebrows together, "You're kidding."

'He already killed more than thirty people on the cruise.' my mind whispered. 'Hasn't he had enough?!'

"How many?" I questioned.

He averted his eyes, "When he woke up, 79." he looked me in the eyes this time. "And another 12 when we were trying to secure him."

"That's 99 altogether." I summed up. "Plus another thirty or so back at the ship. Just how much does that idiot plan to kill?"

"Karma, we need you on this." he suddenly asked of me.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Need me on what?" but then, I realized a very important detail in his story. "Where is he now?"


"Are you alright? How's your back? Can you walk? Do you need a wheelchair? You know, maybe I could--"

"Shut." I paused, giving the worried wart beside me a glare. "Up." I continued. "I'm fine. Like hell does it hurt anymore."

As we walked through the hallway, Gakushuu seemed hesitant on proceeding with his never ending chain of questions, even though a part of him begged to confirm my comfort in walking with a bandage wrapped around my chest and through my back. "Fine, it does hurt a bit." I admitted, feeling a sting crawl up my spine. "He did quite a damage on me. That brat, at least learn how to hold back a little."

"Does it hurt like hell?" he asked, walking in front of me, stopping me from advancing any further. "If it does, I'll call Hanji again."

I raised an eyebrow, "What's wrong with you?" I questioned, furrowing my eyebrows together after. "You're acting so nice, it's creepy. Did something happen to you? When I fainted?"

"N-No." he averted his eyes, stuttering his speech patterns.

"Really?" I asked, leaning closer to make the raising of my eyebrow more dramatic. "Cause I'm getting this twin vibe thing that you're lying."

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