Chapter 21: Brother's Affection?

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A/N: At long last, an update! Thanks for sticking with me guys! 


"What the fucking hell do you mean you want him to be an assassin?!" I yelled into the phone, unable to contain my raging voice volume despite the being in the middle of the back alley of the school. 

I heard him sigh over on the other side, "I talked it over with your mother--"

"Step-mother." I corrected, getting irritated by the fact that he always confuses the terms together. 

"She says that Nagisa isn't at all a bad kid." he continued. "And, since he knows too much about the agency, I thought; why not? He's pretty used to killing anyways." 

I clenched my fist, "You don't know a single damn thing about him and you want him to work for you?!" I raged, questioning his stupid decision. "He is not someone you can do that to! Plus, he doesn't technically like killing. He has a know that!" 

"Even so, we can't just overlook the hundreds of lives he's taken." he proceeded calmly. "Its either we give him a job or we hand him over to the government. Of course, he'll most likely be hanged to death for his mass murder." 

I let my rage boil inside of me, the feeling of hate towards him began to simmer down when his logic actually made sense to me in a way. The fact that its either we put him through hell or we let him die. 

And, of course, I would rather burn myself alive than to see his corpse. 

"Fine, but, if he doesn't want to do it, you don't have a damn right to force him to." I warned, making sure I emphasize on each and every word. 

The man chuckled, "Karma, I'm his dad." 

I clenched my teeth, "Don't you fucking say something so hypocritical again. You left him alone for years, heck, you even wanted to kill him, and now, you're acting all goody-to-shoes; saying that you're his father?" 


"I hate people like you." I spat out in disgust. "You only care if it benefits you. This is the exact pathetic reason mom left you." 

"Just listen to me, it's either hire him or let him die." 

He then let a silence fall between us as I heard his steady breathing through the speaker of the phone. "I'll let you decide." he said before he hung up. 

"Damn that geezer." 


How am I supposed to break it to him? It'll take a literal miracle to make him agree to it without breaking down and having another one of his episodes. Maybe there was a point in my life that I thought of those episodes are just a plain bother but, now, it's all making sense to me. Like all of the puzzle pieces are slowly but surely coming together. 

His episodes are like a silent scream that just begs another to hold him, to comfort him; telling him over and over that everything would be alright. Although I felt a slight annoyance whenever it happens, my arms just somehow always find themselves wrapped around his petite frame. The way he'd snuggle in my grasp, the way he'd fall asleep every single time, I find that satisfyingly cute in a way that allows me to continue doing it even when he doesn't want me to. 

Ugh, enough with this. 

There's been a huge relationship twist between us. From target and assassin to lovers. It all seems so comical that I really can't believe that something like this could happen in my  life. 

But, I'm glad it did. 

"Karma, is your head okay?" the blue-haired lad stared at me as I wiped the forming dewdrops in my hair. 

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