Chapter 1

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'Hello Lucy' Ellie Anderson smiled at her husband's secretary and made her way to her husband's office.

'Wait, Mrs Anderson, I don't think you should go in there' Lucy cried 'Mr Anderson is in a meeting.'

Ellie, had her hand on the door knob, poised and ready to open.

'Ahhhhhh, fuck harder, harder. Right there'

Ellie had heard enough, fighting back the treacherous tears threatening to spill down her ashen cheeks. She forced herself to stand taller, all 5ft 4inches. She opened the door. There was her husband, of 3 years, fucking a blonde slut on his desk. Her head thrown back. His lips at her neck. His hands inside her bra. He stopped at the sight of his wife standing in the door to his office. A bag in her hand, lunch from their favourite restaurant, he watched as it toppled to the floor, the contents spilling everywhere. His secretary Lucy stood behind her, glaring at him.

'Shit' he pulled out and hastily zipped himself up, his Armani suit crumpled from his activities. He quickly brushed off the hands of the leggy blonde, Ashley or Abbey, something along those lines. The blonde scooted off the edge of Luke's desk and shot a smug grin at Ellie. Spiteful bitch. She picked up the panties that she had draped over Luke's wedding photo and put them in the pocket of his suit jacket.

'Something to remember me by handsome. Call me when she's gone.' she nodded towards his wife.

Luke pinched he bridge of his nose with his thumb and index finger. He looked up at his wife.

'I'm sorry' Ellie said.

Ellie turned and took off running, avoiding the elevator she came in and dashed down the stairs, nearly tripping in her haste to get away. She heard Luke's commands for her to stop and his feet thundering on the steps, trying to catch up with her. Finally she made it to the bottom, she ran through the foyer not noticing the strange looks she was being given from people waiting at the unmanned desk, the leggy blonde not at her post, instead she'd been servicing her boss.

'Ellie, please wait.' Luke hollered at his wife. Jesus she could be so fast when she had the inclination. He ran after her as she exited the building. Her chest heaving with exertion, her black hair a wild mess about her head.  He chased her, trying to catch her before she got to her car.

No such luck, as soon as she was in the car she took off at lightening speed.

Luke could only watch as the love of his life sped out of his life.

He fucked up. Again.


Ellie pulled up in front of Ellie's Cupcakes and let her breath catch up with her, her chest heaving, her eyes watering. She'd never actually caught him in the act before, the first time she was sent a text, he had an affair with his financial secretary. The second time she found lipstick on his collar. She'd believed hi, every time he said he wouldn't do it again, every time she believed his lies. Her friends told her to leave him, his friends said she stayed because she was after his money.

Ellie met Luke at college, he was a nothing struggling to feed himself and get himself through college. She let him stay with her and shared her food and home with him. His step mother wanted nothing to do with him after his father ran off with his secretary, he was left to fend for himself. Luke and Ellie soon became inseparable, their living arrangements became permanent.

Luke asked Ellie to marry him after they graduated. Ellie worked two jobs to pay for her wedding. Her dress vintage and a steal at $150. Her cake she made herself. They were poor, but they were happy.

Things took a wrong turn when Luke got a call from his father, he'd died, leaving Luke everything. They moved out of their grungy 4 floor walk up apartment and into a penthouse in the heart of the affluent town. They had everything. Apart from each other.

Luke worked endlessly, she left at home in their palatial apartment with their two cats Mr and Mrs Potter. Then the trouble began, Luke started cheating.

And here she was sitting in her car, wishing that they were still poor, when everything was perfect, when she had a husband who loved her.

She locked the top of the range black car that Luke had given her last birthday. As soon as she walked through the door, Maggie her rotund middle aged and quite wonderful assistant, pulled her in a hug. Seeing her boss' tear stained appearance she knew something had gone wrong.

'Jake' she called her 22  year old assistant from the back room, he popped his head around the door, flour across his forehead 'look after the shop while I see to Ellie and if Mr Anderson comes in, she's not here.'

'It's our anniversary today, we've been married 3 years Maggie. I wanted to surprise him, I bought him his favourite lunch, I was going to cook him dinner tonight, as he'd been working so hard.'

'What happened honey, tell me, don't cry sweetie, I'm here for you, you always have your friends.'

'He was fucking the receptionist on his desk, they didn't even notice I was there, she put her disgusting thong over our wedding photo. I can't take anymore Maggie, my heart hurts.' she sobbed, her eyes blurry, her body shaking, big body heaving sobs.'

'Why don't you stay with me tonight, I'm sure Jim would love to see you again, that blasted man has done nothing but complain since he put his back out.'

'Thank you Maggie. I might do some baking until we close. I don't want to see Luke.'

'Ok honey, I better go see if Jake's ok, we've really picked up business these past few months.'


Luke burst through the elevator doors that led to the apartment he shared with his wife.




Still nothing

He stopped by the dinning room, the table was set, candles, rose petals and small diamond gems decorated the table. He walked through to the kitchen, recipe book open, his favourite. A cake on the cake stand, intricate details, one half of the cake decorated with a swirling black design. By far one of Ellie's best works.

Was today special?

He saw a little black bag on the side, he pulled it towards him and looked inside. A rolex, diamond studded on a black shiny face.

A card

To Luke

Happy  3 year Anniversary

I love you so much. Thank you for the best 5 years of my life, although only 3 being yours officially.

Love always




He'd forgotten.

He was too busy trying to get in the receptionist's knickers.

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