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Luke had a confession to make, now was a good a time as any he thought. He watched Ellie close the door to Charlie's room.

'Ellie, come here I need to tell you something.' Luke patted the space on the side of the bed.

'What is it?' She asked Luke. and snuggled into his side.

'Our housekeeper, at the old apartment. She gave me this.' He leant to the side of the bed and pulled out a big black box, he set it out on the bed in front of him and pulled the lid off. Inside were threatening letters, love letters addressed to Luke and pictures some of Ashley and Luke together, even pictures of Ellie with the face scribbled out.

'Where did these come from?' Ellie asked.

'They were sent to the apartment. Daily sometimes twice daily. Maria was scared, you were pregnant, everything was going ok, she didn't want to worry us and it never got any more serious that this, until that day with Mrs Potter, sure she's been sending things to the office but it was always fairly tame, You know?'

Ellie nodded a frown appeared on her forehead 'I remember now, when she got me into the car she had no idea what was happening next.'

'Well that makes sense I suppose these were all quite juvenile weren't they? But I have an idea what to do with these. Ashley is dead and we are still alive and we are still together. He walked over to the fire burning in the fireplace and threw a couple of pictures on to it. He handed Ellie a picture of Ashley and Luke. Would you like to do the honours Mrs Anderson?  Ellie took the photo and giggled when she looked at the picture.

'What's so funny?' Luke couldn't help but laugh as Ellie was bent over laughing her ass off.

'That is Channing Tatum's body' She giggled 'You have nothing on Channing Tatum.'

'Oh really? So if I did this' he lifted his shirt a little bit showing his hard 6 pack and the sexy v lines she loved so much. His pants hung low, taunting her with what he had underneath, if only they were just a little bit lower. Ellie licked her lips in anticipation.

'Ok point proven.' She chucked the picture on the fire and watched as Ashley's face burned.

'Come here Ellie' Luke whispered.

Ellie threw the remaining items from the box into the fire and watched as their past disappeared.

Ellie dropped the silky robe she was wearing to the floor and watched with satisfaction as Luke's jaw dropped open.

'Yes Mr Anderson, you called?' she asked as she drew level with him.

Luke pulled Ellie down on to his lap chuckling.

'I love you, you know that right?' Luke said seriously.

'Yes I know that, though, I wouldn't mind if you proved it, she wiggled a little, hoping he'd get the hint.

Luke groaned and pushed Ellie back so she lay sprawled across the bed. 'Don't say I didn't warn you Mrs Anderson.' Luke chuckled.

.......and proceeded to show his wife precisely how much he loved her.

4 years later

'Mommy, Mommy, Daddy broke the picture frame.' Charlie came barrelling in to the kitchen where Ellie was frosting some cupcakes. Charlie bumped into Ellie who in turn squirted her son across the face with frosting. Charlie dipped a finger into his black hair that fell over his eyes just like his father, Ellie thought with a grin. Charlie bought his finger to his lips and licked the frosting off.

'Ooohh white chocolate, yummy mommy. Can I help, please?' Charlie looked up at his mother and gave her the heart stopping grin, his dad had taught him.

'Ok, go wash your hands and then you can help me finish.'

While Ellie watched Charlie run off to wash his hands Luke's slipped around her swollen tummy.

'Hello baby, you're meant to be taking it easy.' Luke admonished her.

'And I thought I told you to stop playing ball in the house, you break stuff...and don't you dare tell me it was the boys because they are a better shot than you.'

Luke grinned. 'There are pretty cool aren't they?'

'Where's Harry?' Ellie asked, smiling when she remembered her little surprise, they definitely had made a new start when they had burned the box full of Ashley's rubbish. Harry looked much like he rest of his family all dark haired, with the gorgeous smile he got from his dad.

Luke lifted Harry up to the table and the pair watched as Ellie and Charlie frosted the cakes she had made. Ellie watched as a lock of dark hair fell over Luke and Harry's eyes then watched in fascination as they both lifted their left hands to brush it out of the way, followed by a little head shake.

Luke grabbed a blue marker and helped his youngest son to colour the picture he was working on. He stared at the picture Harry had drawn, he had drawn a picture of his family Ellie had wings like an angel and he in a hero costume. He was reminded at every turn how he almost lost this and how thankful he was that he was made to see sense.

Ellie's HeartbreakWhere stories live. Discover now