Chapter 21

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Luke woke to a hand shaking his shoulder. He took his face out of Ellie's neck, not yet turning to see who was disturbing his time with Ellie. If this was the last time he'd ever get to be with her, he wanted to spend it with her here, in his arms, right where she should be.

'Luke' Sarah called 'Go see your son. He needs you just as much as Ellie. I promise I will call you as soon as anything changes.'

She saw the hesitation in his eyes as he looked between the door that would take him to his son and Ellie who remained still on the bed.

'Please Luke, he's so beautiful.' Sarah stroked Ellie's hair. Pushing it out of her face and behind her ears.

'Besides I'm going to clean Ellie up a little bit.' Sarah gently brushed the dirt from a cut on Ellie's forehead.

'Ok, come get me if anything happens, anything at all'

Luke hesitated as he left Ellie's room, Sarah was right. If Ellie died, she'd kick his ass if she thought he was neglecting their son, who was suffering as much as Ellie.

Luke was shown into the Special Care baby unit. The nurse directed him to a small clear plastic incubator, with Baby Anderson written on the side. Laying in the crib in front of him was the most beautiful baby he'd ever seen. He was strong looking, tall like him, although you would never guess he was born early. He looked healthy, big blue eyes the same shade as Ellie's stared up at him, a shock of dark hair stood up on his head in a little Mohawk. He looked perfect.

'We have to keep him in for at least for weeks. We can't release premature babies until they are at least at the 36 week stage. Other than that he's a very healthy baby. Do you have a name for him?'

'Charlie..........Charlie Anderson.'

Luke pulled his phone out and snapped a picture, if Ellie woke up she wouldn't be able to come see him, she wouldn't want to miss anything. Everyday he'd capture Charlie in a picture and show Ellie. One for everyday she'd missed.

4 Weeks Later

Ellie still hadn't woken. Luke divided his time between Charlie and Ellie. Today Charlie was being released from the hospital. Luke had got the hang of looking after Charlie, he fed him and bathed him, he dressed him and everyday he took a picture and added it to the photo album by Ellie's bedside. If she ever woke up and he wasn't there she would be able to see it.

Luke rubbed a hand over his face wearily and continued dressing his son. He found it hard looking after Charlie on his own, Mark and Sarah had helped as best as they could but had to return to New York. Maggie and Jim came to help in between keeping Ellie's cupcakes open, both of course were devastated to hear of Ellie's accident.

Luke picked Charlie up and rubbed his back as he began to cry.

'Come on little man, I'm trying.....I'm trying, I know I'm not mommy.' His voice broke and he gave way to the heart wrenching sobs he fought so hard to keep in. Ellie should be here. Luke dried his eyes and put Charlie in  his car seat.

'Let's go and see if your naughty mommy has decided to wake up shall we little man?' Today would be the first time that Charlie had seen Ellie. It would be a bittersweet moment for Luke, they would finally meet but Ellie was still asleep. Charlie wouldn't be able to hear his mommy's voice for the first time or look into the eyes that were so very similar to his own.

The nurses on the Special Care baby unit watched as Luke left, each feeling the pain he fought so hard to hide from his son, each day he had visited, each day he left sobbing. He had lost weight, the light in his eyes dimming a little more each day.

Luke pushed open the door to Ellie's room. There were flowers all over the place, which did nothing for his hay fever. Flowers from her customers and his employees. He settled Charlie safely on the floor and took today's yesterday's photo out of his bag. He opened up the photo album and skipped to the 30th page. He peeled back the sticky plastic and settled the photo of Charlie and himself in under the plastic, smoothing it down flat. He closed the book and put it by her bedside in plain view so she'd be able to see it.

He picked up the bag with Ellie's thing in side and removed her brush and perfume. He brushed her hair and washed her with the cloth and her favourite body wash, he kept in her room. He sprayed her with the perfume and looked down at her.

'So baby, I have a little surprise for you today.' He unclipped Charlie from his car seat and held him against his chest, angling him a little so he could look at his mommy. 'Look baby, there's mommy, isn't she beautiful? Do you want a cuddle with her?'

Luke settled Charlie next to Ellie and wrapped her arm around him so he wouldn't fall off. Immediately he snuggled into her side, settling himself down to sleep. Before his eyes drifted shut Luke napped a picture of Charlie and Ellie together. Luke settled himself on the bed next to them both and snapped a picture of the three of them together.

Their first ever photo as a family.

Feeling the emotion building he quickly strapped Charlie into his car seat and grabbed the bag containing all of Charlie's things. He gave his wife on last lingering kiss on her cold lips and left the hospital as quickly as he could.

The cold air hit Luke hard as he almost sprinted out of the hospital, Charlie bouncing along in his car seat as Luke picked up the pace. Luke slipped out of the hospital doors and gave in. Huge body wracking sobs escaped as he cried.


Maggie watched from a distance as the man who had caused Ellie such pain 6 months ago, slumped to the floor, in front of the hospital. She watched as he gathered Charlie to his arms and rocked back and forward as he lost control of the pain he fought so hard to keep from everyone. Luke was a different man, she felt her own tears escape, not for Ellie or for Charlie but for Luke. The man who looked so lost and lonely.


In the hospital lay a dark haired woman, her hair freshly brushed, the scent of her perfume lingering in the air. Her hand lay on the bedcovers, her wedding and engagement rings glittering as the sunlight caught them. She twitched her hand as the heat hit her fingers and turned her head away from the harsh sunlight before once more giving into the sleep that consumed her.

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