Chapter 3

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Ellie had no idea where she was going to go, she had a suitcase full of stuff and a passport. She called a taxi to take her to the nearest airport. She'd see what flight she could get on. All she knew was she wanted to be alone. New York. She's go stay in their apartment in New York. Luke hardly ever stayed there, she was pretty sure she could stay there in peace for a while.

Destination in mind she set off to New York.


Luke was fast asleep on the large cream sofa that Ellie had loved so much, it was placed in her library cum office. She would have a fit, if she could see him now. Everything in here was so personal. It was her. There were photos of the two of them together on her desk, on the sideboard against the back wall.

Above her desk was a photo of her opening her cupcake shop, she reused to use any of his newly acquired money and instead fought hard to get a loan. She asked him to attend the opening, it was so important to her, he lied said he had business at the New York hotel. Instead he took Ashley to their New York apartment so he could fuck her senseless, without any threat of his wife interrupting. Ellie had understood, business was business she said. What a fucking bastard he was. When did he turn into such a prick.

There was a time when all he could think of was Ellie. He remembered how she took him in no questions asked when she found him sleeping outside her apartment. He couldn't afford the rent on his apartment and had been kicked out.  She took him in, fed him, she went to school and worked two jobs. He fell in love with her instantly. She was the most selfless person he'd ever met. She would give her last dollar to someone who needed it most, and had done, more than once.

He picked up his phone from the floor, he dialled his Lucy's phone.

'What do you want you bastard' she hissed at him. Damn caller ID.

'Lucy, I want anyone I've slept with out of the company by the end of the day, I don't care how it's done, just make sure they aren't there when I get in tomorrow. Give them an offer they cant refuse. Anything that won't get us into trouble.'

'Yes sir. Just so you know, it's going to take more than that to win back your wife. Do you know how many times she's called when you were 'busy', I had to listen to the disappointment in her voice, not once did she complain. You sir are a grade A bastard, and you don't deserve her. I hope she finds someone better than you, someone who will treat her exactly as she deserves. Anyone that's not you.'

'So you're not going to succumb to my charm anytime soon?' he couldn't help but chuckle. Everything she said was right.

'I'd rather stick pins in my eyes, SIR.' she hissed. 'And yes I will gladly fire all the little whores you've fucked.'


Ellie held the phone to her ear and waited for her father to pick up.

'Hello Ellie'

'Hello Dad'  her voice broke, what is it about father's, as soon as something bad happens and you hear their voice, you want to spill all your secrets.

'He's done it again, hasn't he. That little bastard. Do you want me to rip his balls off honey. I'll fly right there and castrate him if you want.'

Ellie giggled. 'I'm in New York, dad. Why don't you come to our apartment and give me a cuddle instead. It hurts dad. It hurts so bad.' she sobbed.

'I'll be half an hour honey.' with that he hung up. Already half out the door.

Ellie was still in her pj's she's done nothing but watch CSI since she got here 3 days ago, she heard a persistent banging on the door, she wrenched it open only to be engulfed in the crazy door knockers arms.

'Dad' she cried.

'What happened honey?' he watched her make the coffee

'Well it was the day of our anniversary. I decided to cook him dinner and surprise him at work with his favourite lunch. He's always so busy, I knew he wouldn't be able to take me out. When I opened his office door, there they were. Her knickers were draped over our weeding photo.' she passed him his coffee, and set to work cutting the cake she spent the last 3 hours making and painstakingly decorating, in between reruns of CSI.

'What a little bastard. Honey, why now? What's different than the last two times?'

'The last two times I didn't see it with my own eyes, it was easy to forget that he cheated.'

Easy to forget or easy to ignore. You didn't want to believe it and you ignored it honey. This was a long time coming.'

'Well, you know what they say, seeing is believing' she took a bite of her cake, the first thing she'd eaten in days, she felt she needed to puke. 

'Does this cake taste off to you, Dad? Maybe I used bad eggs' she spat the offending cake into the bin.

'Honey it tastes fine. Why aren't you eating? You're too skinny honey. You're skinnier than the last time I saw you.'

'I've just been busy dad. I'm fine'

'Let me take you to lunch honey. Get out of those pj's and go shower.' he pushed her to her bedroom and sat down to watch the end of CSI.


'Luke, hey man. I her you're a free agent now' Jack, his so called friend said as he entered his office. 'I'm so happy you finally got rid of that little bore you call a wife. We need to get you out man.'

'What did you just say?' he asked, his voice low, menacing.

'I said we need to get you some pussy man.' Jack said crudely.

'Not that asshole, how dare you talk about my wife that way.' He grabbed Jack by the collar of his shirt.

'Like you even care Anderson. You didn't care last week when you were fucking Ashley in the cleaning cupboard, or on your desk. Why care about your frigid little wife now.'

'GET THE FUCK OUT NOW.' he pointed to the open door.

'Make me' Jack teased.

Luke bought his fist back and sent it flying to Jack's stomach, causing him to double over with pain.

'Get the fuck out Jack, don't come back here again. This friendship is over.'

'Lucy call security, have them take out the trash.' he walked back into his office and slammed the door.


Ellie was once more hunched over the toilet bowl, shoulder's heaving for the third time this morning.

She lay her burning forehead against the cool tiles on the wall.

'Stupid Cake' she mumbled.

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