Chapter 13

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'Wow, he definitely knows how to suck up doesn't he' Jake looked at Ellie's engagement ring with distaste.

Maggie elbowed Jake in the gut 'Jake, shut up, be happy for the girl for goodness sakes.'

'I just can't I'm sorry but I think your making the biggest mistake of your life Ellie I really do. I'm not going to sit here watching.'

Things had not improved with Jake and Ellie. Whenever she was near he'd walk away, similarly when Luke's name was mentioned Maggie suspected Jake thought himself in love with Ellie.

'Ellie, I'm sorry but I'm done, I can't watch him make you unhappy again. I'm sorry but I'm leaving.'

'No please Jake, I don't understand. It's my life, not yours, why can't you accept my decision. He's my husband. I love him. I'm having his baby.'

Jake slammed the office door and stalked towards Ellie. Nervous Ellie took a step back, she'd never seen Jake so furious, he was always professional and always a good friend. Now he was scaring her. Jake reached Ellie and cupped the side of her face.

'Ellie, I'm so angry because for the past two years I've watched him destroy you're confidence, fuck around with other women. I've seen you cry. I've seen you angry. I've been here when you stayed until late just because you needed something to do. Why do you think I did all that, you really don't see do you?' he palmed his face with his hand the other pressed against the side of the wall near her head. Closing her in between the desk and his arm. Effectively trapped.

'I've loved you for so long Ellie and it fucking hurts watching you pine for him and let him fuck you over again and again. I can't watch anymore. I'm sorry but I'm leaving.'

Standing on the other side of the door, peering through the small circular window Luke watched Jake declare his undying love for his wife. He watched as Jake appeared to lean towards Ellie for a kiss but Ellie turned her head last minute. Even now she still chose him, after all he'd done to her. He wished he'd exercised the same kind of control with Ashley and co.

He'd seen enough, pushing open the door, he watched Ellie's eyes widen with relief, he shot her a smile.

Jake watched Ellie's eyes light up at the sight of Luke. 'I'm sorry Ellie, I just can't watch anymore.' Daringly he placed a small kiss on Ellie's lips before he grabbed his jacket off the coat stand and left. His heart broke as he left the only girl he'd ever loved. It hurt too much to see her happy with the asshole.

Ellie watched Luke as he sat in her office chair.

'You had no idea, did you?' Luke asked eyeing the cupcake sitting on Ellie's desk. He reached for it and peeled back the case a little and took a huge bite, moaning a little as the chocolate frosting hit his taste buds.

'No idea about what? and you're a pig by the way.' she sat on the light blue and pink rose patterned sofa.

'I am not a pig, thank you very much. I just happen to appreciate a particularly good cupcake when I see it all lonely on a desk....and to answer your question. Jake......he's in love with had no idea did you?' He asked reaching for the second cupcake.

'No I had no idea. I've never had anyone apart from you declare their love for me before. I'm nothing special. I've never had any time or need to think of anyone other than you. I just never felt that way about Jake.....oh god I'm a horrible person aren't I. I feel awful.' Ellie put her head in her hands.

Luke chuckled 'Ellie only you could feel guilty for not loving someone.....and right there .....that's the reason why you're so easy to love. You just don't see it. Your not like other women, you don't go out of your way to attract attention, in fact you hate it. You'd rather read than go out. You give so easily without a thought for yourself. You forgive so easily and that why you are so easy to love. You just don't see how lovely you are do you? You have no idea how much I love you'

'Oh, well it's not good to be an asshole....and Ashley and women like her are assholes. I feel bad for Jake really I do, but he'll find someone to love, just not me. He's a great guy. Maybe it's good that he's gone, it would only be awkward. It does however mean I am now a man down....unless you want to wear a frilly apron and get stuck in I suggest you get your ass back to work.....wait a minute why are you here anyway?'

'Nice to know I'm wanted wife, but to answer your question, you left your laptop in the office. I being the wonderful husband that I am bought it back to you.....and you should hire Jim. He can't go back to work on the construction sight. Why not offer him a job here? He can work the front with Maggie.'

Ellie kissed Luke on the cheek 'Your are absolutely right. You are so much more than a pretty face.'

'Er thanks I think....anyway I need to get my pretty face back to work. Give me a proper kiss and I'll be back around 7 ok.'

'Ellie honey, can you come help me, we're so busy'

Ellie kissed Luke once more cupping his face and pressing his lips against her own. 'I gotta go, see you later.' she grinned, grabbed a pink apron and got to work helping Maggie.


Ellie was sprawled on the sofa watching CSI reruns when Luke walked in at 7.30 that evening, he launched himself at the sofa, earning a squeak from Ellie who watch enraptured as Nick Stokes lay grizzling in an underground casket. He lay his head in her lap looking up at her, not yet realising he was laying in her lap. Just at the crucial moment he roared 'BOO'

What he did not expect was an ear piercing scream and a swift whack to the head.

'AHH damn it woman, that hurt' he said as he furiously rubbed his forehead.

'Well you won't sneak up on me again will you?'

'I'd hardly call it sneaking, if you weren't so focussed on CSI, you'd have noticed I'd been in your lap for the last 10 minutes.'


'Ooops?' he raised an eyebrow 'you walloped me in the head and possible deafened me.  and all you can say is oopps'

'Erm yes, I could always give you what I gave you in the elevator' she grinned.

'As fun as that sounds, and it sounds amazing by the way. I need to ask you something. There's an event I want you to come to, we've recently added a new spa to our hotel here and its the opening, I want to come with me.'

'Erm, and I gonna be face to face with people you've fucked. Do I need to be prepared for this?' She asked hesitantly.

'I honestly can't say, Ellie. Please come with me. I won't go without you.'

'You can't not go, its your hotel.'

He pouted.

'Fine I'll go but if I come home crying or angry or upset in anyway you're sleeping out here. When is it?' she huffed.


'Your just telling me now. Wonderful.'

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