Chapter 22

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Luke pushed Charlie down the hospital corridors in his pram. Seeing Ellie and Charlie together this morning had been the last straw for Luke, he'd broken down in front of the hospital, on show for all to see.

He was tired, so tired. Charlie had been clingy and unsettled all day. Now, walking through these goddamned hospital corridors he was contentedly sucking, his little starfish hands opening and closing around the hem of the little black jacket her wore.

He smiled to the nurses as he passed and ignored the sympathetic looks from passers by. He hated those looks, they always seemed to scream poor man looking after the baby all alone, as if he needed to be reminded.

He struggled awkwardly as he tried to keep Ellie's door open and push Charlie in at the same time, how did these women do it. He put his back to the door and pulled Charlie in after wards. He pulled the pictures he'd taken earlier out of Charlie's changing bag and settled himself in the seat he rarely left for the past month. Charlie started to cry when he realised that his daddy had gone, so Luke pulled the pram over to where he sat so Charlie could see him, soon enough Charlie's crying ceased an the sound of him sucking contently on his dummy.

He flipped the photo album to the next clean page and filled both pages with the photos he'd taken this morning. Hey sat for wjat felt like hours staring at their first family photo, Ellie lying in anhospital bed, Charlie looking at his sleepig mother with wonder, probably asking himselfnwhybshe wouldn't pick him up for a his daddy did. With a sigh he closed the album and put it back in its place where Ellie would be sure llto see it, if she ever woke up.

Luke was so tired, he looked over to a sleeping Charlie, his heart threatening to burst out of his chest at the over whelming feeling of love his gorgeous little boy bought out in him. He was so perfect.

'Ellie, if you never wake from this, if you can hear me know that I will take the best care of our little boy, just how we discussed. I'll make you proud, I promise, but baby, if you can hear me at all, please wake up. My heart feels empty without you. It hurts so much. I need you. We need you. Please Ellie.'


Luke was slumped over the bed fast asleep, arms crossed with his head resting on top, when he felt it. Fingers running through his hair. He groaned with pleasure, Ellie used to do this after he'd had a crappy day. He was imagining things now. He would wake from this dream and he'd still be alone. Ellie would still be lying there in that god foresaken hospital bed, Charlie would still be without his mother.

This was his punishment, he caused all of this. Of he hadn't slept with Ashley, Ellie would still be pregnant and Charlie would still be cooking nicely in his mommy's tummy.

Luke stirred as the baby began to cry. He made to rise from his chair only to find the hand was still tanglednin his hair. He straightened and looked towards the bed, where Ellie sat one hand tangled in his hair the other flicking through the photo album he had left for her.

'Ellie' her name barely a whisper on his lips.

Ellie snapped her head toward her sobbing husband. She pulled him close to her as he cried out the stress of the past month.

'Sssshhhh Luke, I'm here and I'm fine and I'll never leave you again.' Ellie swallowed hard at the lump forming in her throat.

She had woken an hour ago to find Luke slumped over the bed and the baby sleeping in the pram next to him. It had been torture to watch her baby sleeping and not be able to touch him, but thankfully a nurse had come in to perfom her routine checks to find her awake, she had only just left. She had no time to dwell on her baby boy and the cuddles she was bursting to have.

Ellie heard her baby cry, she was dying to go to him but Luke had already risen and had him expertly cradled into his chest. They looked perfect together, thenspitting image of one another.

'Ellie, I'd like you to meet our baby boy Charlie. Charlie, this is your mommy.' Luke grinned as he gently passed Charlie to Ellie. 'Do you know what's been going on, whilst you've been napping?' Luke asked.

'Yes, the nurse has told.menevery little detail. I know how hard it's been on you Luke. I know you won't want to talk about it, but I just want to say, I'm sorry you've been doing this alone, I'm sorry baby, but hank you for never giving up on me....and for making sure I didn't miss a single thing.' She held up the album. 'I think we need to update this though, don't you. Every story needs a happy ending.'

Luke settled beside Ellie and Luke, Charlie settled between them. LUke pulled out his camera and aimed it at the three of them. Luke turned and captured his wifes lips in a searing kiss.

'I love you so much Luke.'

Once more Luke pressed his lips to Ellie's his hand fisted in her hair.

A not so discreet cough sounded from the door.

'Working towards baby number two I see.' Mark and Sarah grinned as Ellien and Luke broke apart, neither one could keep the smile from their face as once more they were reunited.

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