Queen Grape (part one)

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A/n- can we just talk about Mitch's new hair?!?!?!?!?!?!


Around when i turned 22, I got so sick and tired of how plain i was.

I got tattoos and peircings to try and make myself more individual. It didnt help much.

All people saw in me was a plain male with a prominent nose and ugly hair.

I shaved the sides of my head, and had long bangs. But even that, with its ugly plain brown colour, was boring.

I needed something... different. Quirky. Unique.

"Thank you for calling Maldonado hair salon, this is Kirstin speaking. How may I help you?" The lady on the phone said.

"Hello, Kirstin. I was wondering if your salon does hair dyeing?" I asked her.

"Why yes, we do! What exactly are you looking for?" She asked me.

"Umm... well, i was thinking about doing a vibrant purple colour."

"Lovely! What colour is your hair now?" The lady asked.

"A dark brown."

"Oh... that means that we have to bleach it." She sighed. "Are you okay with that?"

I thought about that for a second. That means that id lose my natural brown forever. Well, until it grew out, of course.

"Yah, im cool with that."

"Great! Would you like to make an appointment to get it done?" She asked, hopefully.

"Of course! The sooner, the better!" I said, excitedly.

She laughed kindly. "Of course. Let me just check our open appointment times..."

You could hear furious typing on her end of the line.

"We have one in two days, around 4:00 pm? Would that work?" She asked.

I was so happy. "Yes! That would be perfect!" I said.

"Great! Can I get your name and phone number to make the appointment?" She asked.

"Sure. My name is Mitch Grassi. And my phone number is..."


I drove up to the salon.

The door chimed as i opened it, stepping into the salon.

The first thing i noticed was the hot hunk of a man standing at the counter, talking to the receptionist.

The second thing that i noticed was the seperate rooms of the salon.

And then i noticed a small bowls of chocolate on the counter, and grabbed a few with a small smile.

The receptionist laughed at the man at the counter, and brushed her hair out of her eyes.

She noticed me then, and smiled at me.

"Welcome to Maldonado hair salon! Im Kirstin Maldonado. Do you have an appointment?" She asked.

"Umm... yah. Mitch Grassi? Im booked for 4:00."

She pulled something up on her computer, and smiled.

"Ah, yes. Mr. Hoying will be your hairdresser today." She said, gesturing to the hunk beside her.

I studied her more closely. She was a lovely blonde, and i liked her immediately.

The hunk- Mr. Hoying- gestured for me to follow him to a room near the end of a hallway.

"So... Mitch? You can call me Scott. What are we doing with you today?" He asked.

"I want to die my hair purple." I said, shy around this god of a man.

He smiled. "Cool."

He sat me down on a salon chair, and snapped on one of the weird cape things.

"So, why do you want to dye your hair?" Scott asked.

"I need something unique. I want to be individual." I said.

"I think that you're plenty unique," Scott said, his voice low and husky.

I gulped.

He leaned me back in the chair, his hand trailing on my cheast.

"I just need to lighten your hair quick..." he muttured.

He ran his finger through my hair.

"Beautiful volume..." he murmured to himself.

He bleached it, and washed the bleach out carefully.

"I need you to pick a shade of purple." He said, his voice shakey.

I looked through the many bottles that he had put on the counter.

The one that caught my name was a very bright, vibrant purple. I looked at the name at the bottom of the bottle, and laughed.

Queen Grape

"That will most definitely make a statement!" Scott said, surprise in his tone.

"Then its just perfect." I said, tossing him the bottle.

He shrugged, sitting me back down, and applying the purple stuff to my hair.

After he washed it out, he spun my chair towards the mirror, and i looked at the finished product.

"It's beautiful..." i gasped.

Scott smiled. "And so are you, Mitch."

I blushed.

"Thanks..." i said softly.

He unclipped the cape thing from me, and went over to a desk, grabbing a few papers and bottles.

"Scott?" I asked, my voice squeaky and cringe-worthy.

"Yes?" He said, turning.

I chickened out. "Is there any special products for maintaining the colour?"

His smile faded.

"Umm yah, here you go. Rebook with Kirstie outside for a followup, just to make sure that the dye held."

I grabbed the bag he offered me, and went to the front desk.

After paying, i tried to re book.

"Honey, you dont need to come here for a followup. Just go to this cafe, tomorrow. Around two. Have a shower tonight." She said.

She slid me a post it note with a phone number and an address.

"Thanks." I said, leaving the salon.

After grabbing another chocolate, of course.

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