A Holiday Disaster (part two)

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Mitch's point of view

I woke up with a pain in my back, and Wyatt scratching at my arm. I went to sit up, but was constricted by a heavy blanket that had appeared out of no where.


He walked into the living room, and pulled the blanket off. A wave of freezing air hit me, and I shrieked, cowering against his warmth. He seemed shocked, but pulled me closer.

"Why is it so freezing?" I asked.

He chuckled. "Well, I wrapped you in almost twenty pounds of wool for a reason. The furnace is out. I'm worried for Wyatt with this temperature though, it's too cold for him. Maybe we could bring him to Kirstie's?" He suggested.

I laughed. "Do we want Olaf to eat him? And her and Jeremy are going to Punta Cana in, like, a week. Avi?"

Scott shook his head. "He's going to the mountains. And Kevin's going to China to meet up with his girlfriend. Could we bring him with us?"

"I don't think so! We can leave him at an animal daycare or something. When do we leave?" I asked.

He checked his phone. "Whenever Alex and everyone else show up to take us to the airport. They should've been here by now..."

My spirits lifted. So, it wasn't just a romantic trip, it was a group of friends.

"I'll just call Kirstie and have her bring Wyatt somewhere while we're gone."

I headed to my room, to grabbed my suitcase. Scott's was right beside it, and I smiled. I grabbed both, and got to the living room as the doorbell rang.

"MITCH! LET'S GET GOING! THEY'RE HE- oh, you're right there. Sorry for yelling!" Scott apologized.

I handed him his suitcase, and pulled mine out the door with me.

Alex stood outside the door, seeming anxious. "What's up?" I asked him.

"Nothing... Scott and I had a fight yesterday, and I'm worried that he's still mad."

I gave him a reassuring smile, and told him that Scott had seemed fine to me.

"SCOTT, HURRY UP OR WE'LL MISS OUR FLIGHT!" I yelled. He came running out the door.

"Sorry," he said breathlessly. "I was just making sure that Wyatt would be fine until Kirstie got here."

I smiled. "Thanks."

We headed out to the car.


Scott's point of view

As soon as I stepped out of the door, Alex started apologizing to me. "I'm so sorry Scott, I didn't mean that the way I said it, I was stupid to say it, it won't hap-"

I cut him off. "Alex, I'm not mad at you. It's fine. Let's get going."

We all squished into the car, and got on our flight with no problems.

Mitch fell asleep, and I took a blanket out of my carry on to wrap him in.

"Why do you always do that?" Alex asked me.

I raised an eyebrow. "He's my best friend, a little twig boy, and he'll probably freeze to death. You have a problem with it?" I asked.

"Yes, actually. It's enough that everyone thinks that you're dating, and wants you together, but you're doing the same thing! Do you not love me enough or something?"

I narrowed my eyes. "He's my best friend, has been since we were ten. That's more than I've been with you. If you're telling me to chose between dating you, or being friends with him, he wins. Sorry, but don't try to control me. I do the same thing to you and everyone else."

"Whatever." He scoffed, putting on his headphones.

I groaned. This was going to be a long vacation.


Mitch's point of view

When the plane landed, I woke up and found myself in another blanket. I turned to look at Alex and Scott, and was shocked to see them completely ignoring each other.

I folded up the blanket, and put it in Scott's bag, open beside me.

"Thanks, Scotty. It's freezing in here." I said, passing him his bag.

"No problem, Mitchy."

We exited the plane, and were brought to our resort.

It was... Wow. The beach was amazing, the resort was perfect, and the alcohol was pretty nice.

We spent the first few days just exploring. We found starfish, got sunburnt, got DRUNK, and just had a good time.

I noticed that Scott and Alex seemed distant, and approached Alex about it.

"Why don't you  ask Scotty about it?" He sneered at me.

"Excuse me?" I was shocked by his attitude. "I've never been anything but polite to you, and you talk to me like that? If you have a problem, tell me, and I'll try to help. But DO NOT treat me like that."

I stormed off, muttering profanities under my breath.

I ran into Scott, and he noticed my mood. "Mitch, what's wrong?" He asked, softly.

"Why don't you ask Alexander?" I snapped, storming away.

I went to my room, and went on my phone. There was a text from Kirstie, warning us of a storm headed our way. I called her.

"What's up?"

I told her about Alex and Scott and how they were treating me.

"Mitch, don't cry, or I'll start, and my makeup is on point right now. Am I missing something here?he has no reason to treat you like that."

I sniffled. "What if Scott hates me for some reason? I mean, I found this book where he talks about how much he loves Alex, and now they both hate me, and-"



"Okay, let's think logically here. When did you first notice it?"

"Umm... When I woke up on the plane?"

"He wrapped you up again, right? Alex is probably jealous, and it's probably just a lovers quarrel that you got stuck in. It'll pass. Don't worry, Mitch. Everything will be fine. I promise. Anything else? How are the starfish Twitter accounts doing?"

I laughed. "Good, I think one of them is trending."

"Wow. I gotta go catch my flight, but talk to you later?"

"Sure thing, Kirstie. Thanks for everything. Bye!"

She said bye, and hung up.

I heard a knock at my door a few minutes later.

"Mitch, are you okay?" It was Scott.

"Yah, I'm fine, just go away." I sniffled.

He heard the tears in my voice, and opened the door slowly, waiting for me to yell at him to leave or something.

"I'm so sorry Mitchy, I didn't mean to hurt you. What's wrong?"

"Don't call me that." I whispered.


"Please just leave, Scott."

He bit his lip, and left. He clicked the door shut softly

I burst out crying again. He was being so nice again.

I opened my door, and put the do not disturb sign up, turning in for the night.

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