Cut To The Core

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A/n- TRIGGER WARNING!!! IM NOT EXAGGERATING HERE, THE ENTIRE CHAPTER IS A HUGE TRIGGER!!!!! Welcome to the deep, dark, terrifying part of my mind.

The movie with Kirstie is dragging on.

He cant take it any longer.

He excuses himself, and goes to the bathroom.

He grabs his razor.

The blade glints in the light of the bathroom.

The water bounces lazily off of the tiles

He looks into the mirror. The eyes gazing out of their sunken sockets, bloodshot and haunted.

His eyes beg for release, beg for sweet silence. The voices in his head prod him on.

A knock on the door turns into a furious banging, as they realise his intention.

He pushes his hair out of his eyes, and the blade screams a shrill shriek as it is pried from its plastic casing, and arches through the air, and into his wrist.

The other wrist soon meets the same fate.

A click resounds through the gloomy bathroom, and the nail file used to open the door clatters to the tile as they run to him.

He hit an artery. His blood pours into the tub.

He gets weak at the sight.

His knees give out, and he falls to the ground, but is caught by the other person.

"Scott!" Mitch yells at him.

He sees the person he loves push his blonde hair back, keeping it away from the blood.

"Kirstie! Get help!" Mitch screams.

Mitch clamps his hands around the wounds after manouvering Scott into a sitting position.

They never thought that Scott was anything but strong. Guess they were wrong.

His eyes fluttered closed, and he sinks into Mitch's warmth.

It is the last thing he ever feels, and then he's gone.

Mitch is still there.

Still sees the blood pour out of the lifeless body he holds.

Still crying, because his love is gone.

Still shocked, because Scott had hid it so well.

Still being Scott's lifeline.

Mitch is the one left to talk to the paramedics, though he doesnt know what really happened.

Is the one who plans the funeral that should never have happened.

Is the one suspected to be the cause.

Is the one whos crying now.

Is cutting.

Is dead inside.

Mitch is the one wondering why.

Wondering if it'll ever get better.

Wondering if its worth it.

Wondering if Scott is happy now.

Mitch is the one left behind with the letter. They say that it gets easier, but they lie.

Left alone.

Left sad and depressed.

Left to clean the mess.

Left to put everything back together again.

Left with the razors that ended everything he cared about.

Left wondering if he should follow.

Mitch is deciding what happens to Pentatonix.

Deciding what to do to memorialize his newly dead love.

Deciding if he should stay or move.

Deciding what to do about Sup3rfruit.

Deciding what to do with the razors.

Deciding if he can bear to live without Scott.

Mitch is the one that, a few weeks later, follows suit.

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