Chapter Twenty-Eight

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"Listen here, you little bitch!" Jessie suddenly yelled.

"Woah, calm your nonexistent horses." I said, letting go of Andy and turned around.

"No! You said that you would be back by dinner, you came back two hours later!"

"I didn't know that the only open spot was at 11:30, I only went in for a haircut, but the hair stylist convinced me to dye it. Yeah, sure it was my idea to dye all of it, but you can't blame me for something that took forever. Don't you dare go yelling at me saying it was all my fault."

"Maybe, next time, you should text me and let me know that you're going to be a little late, when things don't go as planned." She got closer and closer.

"Remember who's house your in, I can kick you out like that!" I snapped my fingers in her face to emphasis my point.

"You wouldn't dare! Besides, Jinxx won't let you." She said smugly.

"Are you really testing me? Are you sure that Jinxx won't side with me? Are you sure that the rest of the boys will side with you? Cause let me tell you, Andy, Ashley, and CC will definitely let me kick you out."

"I'm down for it!" Jake said and walked over to me.

"And, now, Jake sides with me. What about you, Jinxx?" I asked looking at him.

"Um.. I.." He stuttered.

"Look at it this way, the dogs." I said, finally bringing it to attention that there was an absence of animals in the room. "Have you noticed that whenever Jessie is in the room, the dogs are not?" I asked, spreading my arms.

"Yeah, I guess." He shrugged.

"I always wondered where they were.." Jake whispered.

"Well, Jakey, they have taken refuge in the cat room, too scared to come out because of Jessie. And I know that you like Killer, Jinxx." I made my point.

"YOU HAVE NO PROOF!!!" Jessie yelled.

"Do I?" I asked, pulling out my iPod. I unlocked it and pulled up my gallery. I went through my videos until I came across the one that proofed Jessie guilty of everything. I played it and turned up the volume. I turned it sideways and let the boys surround me.

"Get out!" Ashley yelled. "I will not have some animal abuser live in my house!"

"B-but then I will have nowhere to go." Jessie whined.

"Actually, you can go back to your parents." I said, putting away my iPod.

"No, they kicked me out."

"According to them, you left on your own accord." I shrugged.

"How do you know?" She asked, pointing a finger in my face.

"I called them." I said, grabbing her finger and lowering it.

"Jinxx, aren't you going to do anything about this?" Jessie asked, turning to face Jinxx. He stood there with a blank look on his face.

"Yeah, pack your bags and go. I don't want to see your face." He said, looking at her in the eyes.

"UGH!!!" She screamed out in frustration and stomped up the stairs.

"Quick, someone call 911!" I said as soon as Jessie was out of sight.

"Why?" Ashley asked, pulling out his phone.

"Hello, she can get arrested for animal abuse!" I pointed out.

"Ohh!!" Ashley quickly called and talked to the operator person/thingy.

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