Chapter Sixteen

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A/N I know that this is a major time jump, but I kinda want to get the story moving along.... Even though I spent 15 chapters on like three days.... Anyway! On with the story!!

I woke up and sighed. Today was the day we were leaving. This has honestly been the best two months ever. Andy has been kind and sweet, Jake and Jinxx helped me keep everything clean and organized, Ashley has taught me a couple of things on the bass, and CC has helped me through my personal problems. He found out that Ashley his my older brother and he has kept it a secret, which honestly surprises me. Andy is still confused but knows not to ask. But I remember the day when CC found out.


It was June 30, almost July. I went out for a ride by myself. CC was concerned and followed me to my clearing where they found me after my first breakdown. He saw that I was curled up in a ball and I was just staring off into space. It's like he instantly knew.

"Hey, Jayden?" He asked, I looked up. "Ashley's your brother, isn't he?" I only nodded and started to cry.

"Our parents didn't want me, my adopted parent didn't want me, Arielle didn't want me, Danté didn't want me, Alex didn't want me, who's next? Ashley? Andy? You?" I screamed out in frustration.

"Hey, hey, hey. Calm down. Who cares if they didn't want you? It's their lose. They don't want an amazing girl who can achieve anything you put your mind to. Sure you have some problems, but think about it. How many attacks have you had since Arielle left? NONE! That's an achievement! You don't need everyone in your life to make you happy. Some people are just there to help guide you, others are lessons. All of the people you just listed, except maybe Ashley's parents, were there as life lessons. Tell me, are you going to become friends with some as controlling as Arielle? No, because she taught you how to choose the right people. Are you ever going to have a crush on people who only took you to the dance because they needed a date? No, because Danté taught you how to love the right people. Are you going to become friends with preppy girls again? No because Alex taught you that as soon as you change, they will leave you. Are you ever going to love people who believe that people should be a certain type of person? No, you know why?"
    "Because my adopted parents taught me to never love people because they like what they see on the outside."

    "Exactly! Now tell me... What's 2+2?" CC said, with a serious face. I started laughing.

*End Of Flashback*

    CC brightened up my day that day. He made me realize that not everyone can be perfect, but we should love and care for each other anyway.

    Andy and I had our first fight a few days after CC followed me that day. CC and I have grown closer after that day, and Andy realized it.

*Yet again, another Flashback*

"I have been cheated on before! I know the signs! Are you cheating on me?" He accused me.

"No! I'm not a cheater! Sure I may joke around about it, but that's just it! Jokes! CC helped me get through somethings and he taught me some valuable things!" I tried to explain.

"Like what? How to kiss?"

"No! He told me that people come and go as lessons! He told me that each and every negative person who doesn't like me, was a lesson. He told me that I would never go back to people like that because of what they did to me! Why do you think I'm dating you? For pity? No! It's because I truly do like you in a way that Danté, Arielle, Alex, and my adopted parents, will never know! They will never know what this feels like!" I yelled, I was almost in tears. "CC is my best friend. That's all he will ever be. Why can't you see that?" I then ran out to my truck and took it to the place where Andy and I went stargazing.

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