The question.

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I live in Fort Wayne,Indiana with my mom and my brother. My name is Allie and I'm 18 years old.

It's summer now I'm going to college in the fall but for now I just want to relax and have some fun. I mean not get into a relationship or anything I just want to sit on my couch and watch tv for a few days. But that won't happen with my mom around she is very energetic and so is my brother but I guess I could do something fun for a change all I do is study and go to school I've never been the type to be out going I guess.

I woke up to my alarm going off. All of the sudden I heard my mom cheer with excitement "Jordan you look very handsome!!!" Oh great one of my brother's friends are here and I mean Jordan the cute one is here "Thank you Mrs.Taylor" Jordan replied. I got out of bed and slipped on a pair of green skinny jeans and a blue shirt that had a cat with a pair of sunglasses on with a pair of red converse. I walked out of my room and walked down the hallway to find my brother and Jordan sitting on the couch while my mom was drinking coffee "Hi hunny!" She said cheerful as always Jordan instantly turned around "oh hi Allie." I looked shocked "um hi Jordan" I looked at my mom who of course winked at me cause she found out I like Jordan somehow. Jordan looked at me and said "uh could we maybe step outside to talk please?" I didn't hesitate at all could he have found out I like him? That wasn't possible!! I hope he didn't he is a musician he is in this solo thing called The Ready Set what would I do if somehow it slipped from his mouth during a interview??? What would his fans think?? I'd probably be their target to kill! Oh god I'm in deep shit. I just smiled and gave him a answer "yeah of course"

After me and Jordan were outside he started to talk "Um so Allie your mom told me you like me?"

Shit mom why did you have to do that?! I just kinda smiled "maybe I do. Why do you want to know?"

Jordan chuckled "maybe because I like you too." My heart dropped when he said that the 23 year old singer that I have had a crush on since I was 16 said he likes me?! This can't be real. "What? Are joking?" I nervously let out "of course not why would I be joking?"

"I don't know maybe because I've liked you since I was 16 and you never mentioned one thing about you liking me at all!" Jordan had a guilty look over his face " I'm sorry Allie I guess I just wanted to ask you if you wanted to go out on a date with me?" I smiled "Of course Jordan I would love to." Jordan looked like he was going to burst with happiness "Okay so I'll pick you up at 7 tomorrow night?" I nodded in agreement "Sure". So now I just got to find something to wear this should be really easy.

I woke up to my mom shaking me "wake up sweetheart." She looked like she had just woke up herself I didn't really see why I had to wake up its Friday and its only 9 in the morning. Oh god please tell me she isn't pregnant I heard this was how she told my brother!!! I quickly sat up "are you pregnant?? Please tell me your not pregnant!!!!" My mom chuckled "your gonna have a little sister." My face dropped oh my god my mom is a ho she doesn't have a boyfriend and my dad left when I was born. "WHAT???!!!" My mom started dying she was laughing so hard she was crying "I'm just kidding!! You should've saw the look on your face!!! Haha got you!!! I'm not pregnant silly. I need you to run to the store and get some pork chops and macaroni and cheese and whatever else your little heart desires here is 175 dollars." I almost cried was she serious? "Mom are you serious?" She chuckled "yes I'm serious lets consider it a early birthday present. Okay?" I smiled "ok". My mom left my room I got up and got dressed it was now 9:15 and I picked out a pair of yellow skinny jeans and a white flowy tank top with a green splattered heart on it. I wonder what I should wear for my date with Jordan?


Jordan's POV

I heard a knock at my front door my dog backpack started to bark I looked at backpack "oh backpack be quiet." I smiled. I walked up to my door and opened it to find Dillion. Allie's brother who is also one of my friends " hey Jordan" he said nevoursly "hey Dillion what's up?" I smiled "uhhh I just want to say if you hurt Allie I'm gonna have to break one of your fingers" I laughed at his remark " okay do what you have to do I understand. But if you do break one of my fingers could you break my pointer finger?" He chuckled "um sure. May I ask why?" I sighed "because that way if someone gets in trouble I can scold them and wave my pointer finger at them." I heard Lewis one of my cats meow. I turned around and looked at him "ya Lewis I'm talking to you. You need to get a job. Get a job Lewis!!"


Authors note :D

Okay did anybody see the video chat when Lewis was rubbing on Jordan and Jordan told Lewis to get a job? I mean that was so freaking cute! don't worry about Wallace and Nonsense they will be in here too

at a point and time :D. Thanks for reading I hope you like it so far!!

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