This is it.

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Allie had been asleep for a few hours, stirring around in her sleep when she felt a contraction probably. I was ready to be a father I was going to be the best damn dad I could be. I could promise you that.

I heard a voice which was fairly familiar. It was Derek as well as the other guys. Travis, Keegan, Matt, Cameron, Jason. I smiled "hey guys." I whispered as they all smiled "hey Jordan. How's Allie?" Travis said as I glanced at my girlfriend "well right now obviously she is asleep. She's had about 10 contractions." As I said that I heard her stir around in her sleep my eyes instantly went over to her. She was now wide awake my blue eyes making contact with her brown ones. I got up moving Derek aside "hey baby. How are you feeling?" I whispered loud enough for her to hear. She smiled "I'm okay. Just child birth, where's my mom?" She asked as I nodded "your mom is in the cafeteria with my mom." I chuckled. She sighed "I'm glad they're getting along." She smiled as did I "ya" I replied as she turned her head Derek making himself aware "HI ALLIE!!!!" Allie laughed "hey Derek, Jason, Cameron,Travis,

Matt and Keegan. What's up you guys?"

They all chuckled as Derek's eyes light up "hey Jordan she remembers my name!!!" He smiled as I rolled my eyes "don't flatter yourself Derek she remembered everyone name." Travis spoke up making us laugh. Derek pouted "well don't be a dick about it." Derek grinned. Travis opened his mouth to say something but Cameron interrupted "ladies, stop arguing." Most of us chuckled but Travis and Derek scoffed.

We all heard a slight sound of pain. We turned our heads in Allie's direction only to see her holding her stomach and flinching. I turned back over to the guys only to see pure horror written on their faces. Keegan looked white, I mean Snow White. I walked over to Allie "what's wrong honey?" I said calmly she opened her eyes to look at me. "Con-trac-tion." She said breathing in between

Just then the doctor walked in smiling "hello Allie and Jordan. How are you doing Allie?" She asked seeing the pain all over allies face. "So I'm going to check how far you are dilated okay? I'm going to half to ask all the men except the father to leave okay?" She smiled at the guys as they mumbled something and left. After they left she examined Allie "you are exactly 10 centimeters which means you're ready to push."

Doctor Miller smiled "is anybody else coming in here?" She questioned as Allie shook her head "ya my mom. Jordan could you please get her?" I nodded and walked out of the delivery room "Stephanie?" I saw Stephanie get up "yes?" I smiled "Allie wants you in the delivery room with us." Stephanie looked like she was about to cry as she got up and practically drug me into the delivery room. "Jordan!!! Mom!!!" Allie yelled Stephanie and I bolted into the delivery room but the nurses told us we had to put our scrubs on we hurried with the scrubs and bust through the doors practically running down the hall towards where Allie was as we entered we saw Allie was sitting there waiting on us.

The doctor "are you ready to push now Allie?" She nodded " as ready as ill ever be." I chuckled "I love you." I said as I kissed her on the forehead she smiled "I love you too."

"Here we go Allie." The doctor smiled "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10". The doctor counted as Allie stopped pushing she started counting again " 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10. I see the head sweetie."she said calmly. "Last time. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10" and then I heard a cry. "It's a girl!!!" Allie busted out in tears "it's Isabella." She whispered as I nodded trying to hold back from crying too. "She's beautiful." I said "one more to go Hun." The doctor said as she started counting "1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...

10" Allie took a breath then the doctor started counting "1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...

10". Allie took another breath "last time sweetheart. 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...

10. It's a girl!!!" Wait a what now?

"holy shit." I said calmly.

And then I saw nothing but darkness. I passed out.


"Two G-girls?" I asked as the doctor nodded "fucking shit. We were suppose to have a girl and a boy." I stated as the doctor smiled "sometimes the doctor reads it wrong Allie. It happens I'm sorry but I'm sure you will have loads of fun with your daughters" she put emphasis on daughters as I saw Jordan passed out in the chair next to me. "Can you throw cold water on him please?" I asked chuckling as the doctor nodded and grabbed a cup and walked down to the water fountain she came back and threw it on Jordan it must have been COLD because he shrieked like a girl it was pretty funny. "J-Jordan? What are we gonna name her? We have Isabella and blank." I chuckled.

"Asuna?" I asked repeating that word asuna I always liked that name. "I like that. What about her middle name?" I thought for a minute "sky. Asuna summer." To me that was a perfect name "I love it." He smiled as the nurses took the babies gently to clean them and weigh them things like that. One nurse came over "what are your daughters names?" I looked down at the sleeping baby in my arms. "This is asuna." She smiled "pretty name what's her middle name?" I looked down at her again "Summer. Her middle name is summer. Oh and you spell Asuna. A-s-u-n-a" sh nodded and looked at Jordan "and her name is?" He smiled and looked at the nurse "Isabella. And her middle name is sky." The nurse smiled "such pretty names."

I chuckled "thank you." She nodded and went back to where our daughters were and started to finish their birth certificates.

I smiled once more drifting off into a well deserved sleep.


Hi guys!! I hope you liked this chapter there was a bit of a plot twist :3 It was a good plot twist though :3 so while I was writing this chapter I couldn't remember the word birth certificate so I had to ask my mom and she got pissed but idc it's worth it for my lovely readers :) okay guys I will give you a heads up there is not that many chapters left maybe 3 at the most. I don't know but in other news you can count on a sequel :p I still have yet to name it so if you want you guys could help me out maybe??? Oh and I will start doing story recommendations or just shout outs whoop whoop!! So if you're writing a story let me know or you just want a shout out I shall try :)

So has anyone seen hold up let me talk? Jordan says shit but he bleeps it out and it's like :0 damn Jordan. Okay okay I'm getting wwwwayyy outta topic!!!

Mmk Kay Bai my loves :3


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Oh and I have decided to do a character ask I've seen it and its pretty cool so I decided why not? But I need at least ten questions from you guys please? But I can't promise you guys ill pick your questions so if I don't answer them message me? You can reach me on Instagram. My name is


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