Babies and Jordan: Part two

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I sighed my mom should be here any minute.

I paced around in circles my hand on my stomach rubbing it in circles. " babe? Are you okay?" I heard Jordan's voice speak " yay. I'm fine I'm just a little nervous it's nothing." I replied. I heard him sigh and I looked over to Jordan's direction he was standing up from the couch walking over to me.

He wrapped his arms around me as I sniffed his cologne. "Everything will be fi-" Jordan didn't get to finish his sentence because the doorbell had rung. I pushed Jordan away softly and walked over to the door pulling it back. I saw my mother she looked beautiful. Her brown hair fell on her shoulders and her bright green eyes meet my reddish brown eyes "hi baby. I missed you so much" she said as she wrapped her arms around my body. "I missed you too mum. A lot." I could hear my voice crack as I pulled away from her petite body "so? Want to see pictures?" I asked knowing she would want to "absolutely" she said her voice filled with excitement. I grabbed her hand walking past Jordan I nodded my head for him to follow. We walked up the stairs to Jordan and I's somewhat messy room . A pair of pants and a shirt with a blanket on the floor for the dog and cats to sleep on. I sat her down on our bed. Walking over to the closet opening the doors "i know it's In here somewhere. Ah ha! There you are." I said taking out a pink and blue photo album. Walking over to my mom I flipped open the blue one first putting it on the sonogram.

"See that little speck?" I asked she shook her head "yes" her tone happy nod kind "that's the baby. That's our baby boy." I said feeling my eyes sting, fucking hormones. I giggled to myself. My mom gasped "I can't believe it my baby have not one but two babies of her own." She cooed she looked over to Jordan "and I'm very glad it's with you." She smiled from eat to ear "thank you Stephanie." Jordan said smiling "do you want to see our daughters now?" I asked happily "of course." She stated as I opened the pink photo album "do you see that?" I asked pointing to little dot "yes Hun." She said happiness over flowed in her voice "that's our daughter." I said she gasped again "do you have any names picked out?" She asked wanting to know you could almost hear the lust in her voice.

"Ya we picked out names but I'm not telling until the baby shower which is this weekend." I said with excitement in my voice "will you come?" I asked my eyes pouring into hers. "Of course hunny. Where is it at?" She asked i knew she wasn't lying she never lied about stuff like this "at the fire hall" I replied I sent out the invites already "at 5" I added calmly.

She smiled "I'll be there."


I smiled as I Saw Allie and her mom getting along. Come to think of it I don't know why my mom hasn't called she said she would.

I knew my mom knew about Allie and her being pregnant I decided to call her.

"Hello?" My moms voice over flowed my phone

"Hi mom." I said excitement in my voice. I heard her gasp

"Jordan baby I miss you where are you?" She asked

"I'm at home with Allie. Do you want to go get coffee or something mom?" I asked hoping she would say yes.

"Of course honey what time?"

She said more excitement over flowing me

"About half an hour or now?" Feeling my heart beat

"Okay ill be over in five minutes. I love you."

"Love you too mom." I stated. And. I hung up the phone.


Soo I know it was short font hate me :( I hope you liked it.


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