Chapter Five

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Gally, the bastard, caught up to me before I got very far.


"It wasn't me, I swear it!" I yelled as he shoved me against the wall.

He curled his lip. "You're lying! I saw that kid's fat face against the window! And if you hadn't told him to do it, why are you running away like a little coward?"

I would have kicked him in the nuts right then, but Alby's warning rang in my ears. Never hurt another Glader. Or I'll throw you off the Cliff. Although I still had yet to find out what the Cliff was, it didn't sound very pleasant. Besides, he wisely hadn't yet brought up his ridiculous theory about me being the stupid Breeder. So instead, I shoved him. "Get away from me."

He fell away from me, cursing once again as he almost tripped over his own feet. I took the opportunity to run out of the building. But once again, he followed me like a mosquito and pushed me, so hard I went flying. My back hit the ground with a loud thud. Ouch.

Gally walked over to where I was lying and glared malevolently down at me. "I told you I'd get you back for making a fool of me in front of everyone."

"Oh, yeah?" I spat. "You're the one who made a fool of yourself by calling me the shucking Breeder."

He laughed. "Glader slang doesn't suit you well, my friend."

I tried to get up, but pain shot up my spine and I fell back onto the cool grass. "You bastard."

Another evil laugh, and his foot shot out to kick me in the ribs.

I dodged just in time, rolling onto my stomach. Don't hurt another Glader? Indeed. I wondered why Alby wouldn't throw this idiot off the Cliff. "Shuck-face!" I yelled.

"Breeder," he taunted back.

I got to my feet, ignoring the blinding pain in my back. That was it. I was going to kill the guy. This idiot who hated me for no reason, who kept making perverted suggestions.

He didn't see my fist until it connected with his eye.

A string of disgusting curses rolled out of his mouth, getting more and more vulgar. When he looked at me, his eyes were those of a rabid beast.

Oh, shuck.

He advanced toward me, fists clenched at his sides. Shuck, shuck, shuck. He was going to beat me to pulp. His face contorted in rage, his arm went back, preparing to swing forward. "YOU STUPID PIECE OF--"

"What the shuck is going on?"

Gally stopped in his tracks, and both of our heads snapped around.



Were we in trouble.

Gally stepped back, acting as if he hadn't just been about to murder me. I would have taken the chance to do what I so desperately wanted to do, kick him in the damn nuts. I would have stomped them into little bloody balls of flesh. But Newt strode over to me and grabbed my arm, so hard I thought my veins would burst. Let go, I mouthed, glaring ferociously. He pursed his lips and shook his head.

"She spied on me in the bathroom!" Gally snapped.

Newt raised an eyebrow at me, and I shook my head, glaring at him. Did he really think I could be so stupid? Actually, I bet he did. After all, I was the annoying Greenie who kept asking annoying questions.

"Why do you have a bloody black-eye, Gally?" His voice was so calm.

Gally looked outraged, as if I was supposed to be the one interrogated. "She--she shuckin' punched me!"

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