Chapter Ten

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I was a bloody idiot.

A reckless fool.

Blinded by stubbornness, curiosity, stupidity.

But I didn't care.

I looked over my shoulder before sprinting towards the gap in the giant stone wall. Adrenaline pulsed through me, and I ran faster, determined not to get caught. Because if I was, Newt would kill me. He'd skin me down to the bones, then feed my remains to the Grievers.

It was fine. I was likely to become Griever food, anyway.

The Doors had only just opened. It wasn't as intimidating in the day, dark as it was in the Maze. I checked to see that nothing had fallen out of the pack I had slung over my shoulder-- filled with water, a few apples and a sandwich. I'd need it if I were to spend the whole day running. Of course, I was only leaving the Glade out of defiance--and because of the terrible hunger to be able to move instead of being trapped all day. But it was still stupid, and I knew it. And I didn't particularly care.

I peered into the Maze, preparing to dash in.

"What the shuck?"

I threw myself forward. Too late. Minho grabbed my arm and yanked me back, sending me sprawling to the grassy ground. Footsteps sounded, and I knew I was in trouble. Gladers were gathering around to watch. Shuck.

"What the shucking hell do you think you're doing?" Minho shouted down at me. Standing directly above me like that, he looked threatening.

I scrambled to my feet, brushing the dirt off my pants. "Redeeming myself for letting Thomas take my place when he ran into the Maze! What do you think?"

Minho groaned. "You still going on about that? How thick can you be? You don't shucking get it, do you? You go in there, you're dead unless you're a Runner. Look at--" He caught Gally's eye and broke off. "Do you want to get stung?"

I glared at him. "I'm just sick of being told nothing except what I can't do! If only you'd give me a bit more freedom--"

"There's no freedom in this place!" Minho screamed. "You can blame the Creators if you ever meet them, but for now, you will follow the shucking rules! That's how we've all survived for so long!"

More footsteps, and I found myself staring into Newt's chocolate brown eyes. "He's right, Hel." To my astonishment, he didn't sound half as pissed as Minho, who had steam shooting out of every orifice in his head. "You're a bloody idiot."

I sniffed at his favorite nickname for me. "I suppose you're going to hand me over to the Grievers?"

He rolled his eyes. "What you did was bloody stupid. But idiotic as it was, you didn't get anyone killed. We'll hold a Gathering--"

"What's the point?" Gally interrupted. He was frowning, making his eyebrows even more angular, if possible. "All the Keepers are already here. Why not just make a decision now?"

"What's your suggestion, then?" Newt's lips were pursed.

Gally sneered at me. "You said it. Banish her."

"What?" I took a step toward him, but Minho grabbed my arm. I didn't try to fight him as Newt glared at Gally.


"Why?" The smile had melted off Gally's face. "She broke a rule!"

"She didn't go into the Maze, slinthead," Newt snapped. "Thanks to Minho here. Which means she didn't." He faced the Keeper of the Runners. "What do you think?"

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