Chapter Nineteen

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My clothes were covered in sweat when I woke up the next morning.

My lips hurt. I felt like crap.

So much for damning the consequences.

A smile across my face as the boy next to me got up on an elbow. His hair was even more ruffled than usual, and there was that spark in his eyes. He smirked at me. "Hey."

My face burned as I remembered, in detail, exactly what had happened the night before. "At least you kept your shirt on," I blurted out. "Unlike most nights--"

He scoffed, shaking his head. "I won't take my shirt off in front of you."

"That's not what I--" I stopped myself just in time, noticing his widening grin. I got up and crossed my arms, scowling. "Fine." All thoughts of apologizing went out of my head. Blushing, I thought, shouldn't have to exist.

"Don't tell anyone."

I nodded. "Like I would."

Like I'd give Chuck the chance to make fun of me even more. I walked over to the door, giving a cheesy wave before dashing away. If anyone came in and saw me here, I was as good as dead. I was tired from almost no sleep, but also feeling hyper at the same time.

I'd messed up so badly.

The thought caused me to start laughing uncontrollably as I walked into the kitchen. I actually doubled over, clutching my stomach, until Frypan came over and asked what the shuck was wrong.

My spine snapped up. "Nothing," I said. "I just want pancakes."

Frypan looked at me suspiciously for a second, then told me, "The pancakes'll be ready in a few minutes."

I grinned sheepishly.

As the pancakes were cooking, their beautiful smell spreading through the building, Minho came in, early as usual. He flashed me a grin. "Hey, shank. Ready to leave?"

I pouted. "After the pancakes."


I walked over to him and punched him in the shoulder. "Come on, Minho, don't tell me you can resist the shucking pancakes!"

I forced him to sit down on a chair. Grumbling, he let me. Great. This was the time to annoy him even more. I studied his perfect hair. "I could braid this," I said loudly. "Teeny tiny braids. It'll make it even more beautiful--"

"No!" Minho looked horrified. "Don't even think about it!"

I patted his head. "But you'll look so pretty!"

He stood up, smirking. "I'm already pretty," he said. "I'm the prettiest one in the Glade. I sparkle in the sun."

You're the sassiest, too. I smirked back. "Then you won't mind if I..." I reached up for his hair.


"The pancakes are ready, children!" Frypan called from across the kitchen.

Minho was lucky. I dashed over, ready to stuff my face. Minho watched impatiently as I ate--the Doors had opened five minutes ago. "Oh, come off it," I told him with my mouth full, waving a hand. "I'll need my energy for running, won't I?"

We set off after I'd eaten my fill.

No Grievers bothered us today. To be honest, I was surprised that we actually went out, after what had happened the day before. But Minho insisted that we couldn't miss a day of mapping the Maze. Not when we were so close to finding a way out.

We didn't find anything new--just ran through the stone walls, memorizing the patterns. For the first time, I found that I couldn't focus. I kept thinking of what had happened the night before. It had been unlike anything I'd ever experienced in my life. The way Newt had looked at me, as if I was the only other person in the world... For those few hours, I'd lost myself. Everything had been a blur.

I could still feel his mouth on mine.

"What the shuck are you doing?"

Minho's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. He and Thomas had stopped and were looking at me strangely. I stared at them. "Huh?"

Minho slapped his hand to his forehead. "You just stopped in the middle of running, chick. How could you do that? What if a shuck Griever popped out right now and ate you? You're not concentrating, are you?"

"I am," I protested.

"What's on your mind? And don't say you were being hypnotized by the beauty of the back of my hair, because you'd never be modest enough to admit it."

Next to Minho, Thomas started to laugh quietly. I stared daggers at him, threatening with my eyes that if he said anything about Newt in front of Minho, I'd kick his butt. To my relief, he kept his mouth shut, but Minho was now looking at him. "Thomas, what's so funny? Do you know something?"

"Erm, no," Thomas said, his face suddenly straight.

"Come on, we're wasting time," I said loudly before Minho could press him, because if he did, he'd undoubtedly let something slip. "Do you guys want to get out of this shuck place or not?"

We didn't stop for the rest of the day, save for the times we had to eat and drink.

When we were back in the Map Room, drawing our findings, I could feel Minho's eyes drilling holes into the side of my head. At first, I ignored him, focusing on my drawing. But after a while, I found I couldn't stand it. I glared at him. "What is it, Your Majesty?"

"You were distracted the whole day." He didn't hesitate to give me an accusing look. "Dude, Runners can't be distracted like this. Come clean. What's with you?"

I ignored Thomas trying to stifle a laugh and opened my mouth to talk, about to say something undoubtedly stupid, when we heard confused voices outside, the volume gradually rising. Exchanging a look, the three of us left the Map Room.

The rest of the boys were crowded by the Doors, starting to panic now. I pushed through the crowd and made my way over to Chuck. "What's wrong?"

I looked at me, eyes wide with terror. "The Doors should have closed half an hour ago! If they don't close, there will be nothing to keep the Grievers from coming in!"

My head snapped toward the Doors, then to the sky. Sure enough, the sun was almost down, and the Doors were gaping wide.

The Grievers.

Gally glared at Thomas. "Still think I'm overreacting?"

I watched, surprised. I didn't know the two of them were hostile with each other.

"Gally, I don't know what's happening," Thomas protested. He turned to the other boys. "The Grievers will start coming out soon. Chuck, you go to the Homestead and start barricading the door. Minho, you get all the weapons we have." The authority in his voice astonished me. "Everybody else--"

He was interrupted by a roar.

We all whipped around to look into the Maze.

At least half a dozen Grievers were slowly advancing on us, their metal instruments clicking menacingly.

Thomas looked at us, terror filling his eyes. "Everybody hide!"

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