Chapter Twenty-Three

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The Griever grabbed a boy and flung him, screaming, off the Cliff.

There was no time to watch in horror.

The boys and I stabbed at the Griever relentlessly, trying to get our weapons into its disgusting flesh, while Thomas and Chuck ran towards the part of the Cliff nearest the Griever Hole. They were going to jump in first, while we distracted the Grievers.

They'd almost made it when a Griever's arm caught Chuck by the hand. He screamed and managed to dart out of the way as Thomas stabbed a spear into it, but the key went flying from his hand, rolling towards the edge of the Cliff.

"The key!" Chuck howled, and ran after it.

He caught the key just before it went tumbling down the dark abyss, but now half of his body was hanging off the edge. I hurtled toward him, determined to pull him back before he fell off. I reached him just in time and hauled him up.

"Thanks," he gasped. Then his face suddenly went white as he stared down the Cliff. "Oh, no."

"What is it?" I followed his gaze, and clapped a hand to my mouth.

Two more Grievers were climbing up the side.

We ran back to the others just as they managed to shove the first Griever over the edge. "There's--"

Chuck's warning was cut short as a long metal arm reached out and grabbed a boy I didn't know. With a scream, he disappeared into the monster's pulsing flesh. I nearly vomited at the sight, but there was nothing I--anyone--could do to help. I pushed Chuck towards Thomas. "Go!" I yelled. "Get through the Griever Hole!"

More Grievers were climbing up, and my heart pounded in my throat. This could be it--the moment I died. Fear shot through my veins, filling me with adrenaline, and I gasped as something cold and metallic brushed my skin. I twisted, lashing out with my machete, and knocked the thing clean off.


I whirled around as a hand clasped over my shoulder. It was Newt, eyes filled with a mix of terror and determination. "What is it?"

When he spoke, it was in a voice that warned me that the matter was not open for argument. "You're going with Thomas and Chuck."

Of course, I was too stubborn to listen. I crossed my arms, despite the raging fight happening around me. "Why? You guys need help; I'm not some weakling ninny just because I'm a shuck girl!"

He practically dragged me through the crowd of yelling, stabbing, fighting boys until we stood by the edge of the Cliff. "It's not that," he said through gritted teeth. "Just..."

"What?" I hissed. "Remember what happened when you wouldn't let me be a shuck Runner? I want to help you guys! Chuck and Thomas can go through the Hole themselves just fine!"

Newt's head snapped around to look at the ongoing fight, then turned back to me. "Bloody hell, Helene, just buggin' go! I don't doubt your ability to fight, but I'm not taking any chances! Just go!"

"What chances are you talking about?"

"What if you die? Get stung by one of those bloody needles?"

I rolled my eyes. "The chance of you getting killed is probably bigger! You have a bloody limp! What if--"

He cut off my words by pressing his lips firmly to mine. Fortunately, the other Gladers were too preoccupied with trying to stay alive to notice. The kiss was brief, but it told me enough. Blinking away my sudden tears, I nodded and turned to follow Thomas and Chuck into the Hole.

Thomas went first, throwing himself off the edge. He fell for only a second before blinking out of sight. Chuck looked at me, gulping. The fear was evident on his face.

"It's okay," I said. "You'll make it. You won't fall."

He nodded, determination crossing his gaze, and hurled himself forward. He nearly missed the hole--my breath caught in my throat--but he managed to slide through, and he, too, disappeared.

With a last glance at the other Gladers, I jumped.

I had the sickening sensation of falling, then I landed hard on the ground. The ground was damp and slimy. Ugh. Griever slime, undoubtedly.

A disgusting squelching sound and a sudden wetness on me caused my head to snap up.

Thomas had speared a Griever through the face, and slime had spurted out, spraying all of us. I wiped the slime off my face, grimacing. "Are there more?"

My question was answered a second later as another Griever appeared. Thomas looked around wildly before throwing something to Chuck. The key. "Take it!" he yelled. "Take it and find a way out!"

Chuck only hesitated for a second before taking off in the opposite direction of the Griever.

I ran over to help Thomas with the Griever, slashing at it with my machete. "Stab it in the face again!" I screamed.

"I'm...trying," he replied through gritted teeth, even as the Griever gripped his spear in one of its arms.

I let out a roar and stabbed my blade into its eye. It let out an earsplitting scream and squirted crap into my face. I spat out the worst of it, yanked out the machete, and stabbed it again, and again, and again, until it fell with a crash.

"Any more?" I asked.

Thomas looked around. "I don't think so. But the ones outside might jump in."

I was about to reply when Chuck's voice echoed through the darkness. "Hey, guys! Check this out!"

In the dim light, I could just make out a smile on Thomas's face.

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